As a part of May survey realized by CVVM SOÚ, v.v.i. there were some questions asking Czech public about their attitude to foreigners and nationalities living in the Czech Republic. CVVM investigated how respondents agree with different reasons concerning acceptance of immigrants and they were questioned about their attitude to employment of foreigners. Addressed citizens were also asked to evaluate their relationship with some nationalities that have strong representation in the Czech Republic.

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In May survey CVVM investigated public opinion of number of foreigners living in the Czech Republic and whether foreigners should have chance to live in this country in the long term and how they should accustom to our living conditions. As a part of the press information there is a list of answers sorted according to socio-demographic characteristics of population sample and according to answers of a question whether a respondent knows any foreigner personally.

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Within the March survey people have been expressing their sentiment about moral acceptability or unacceptability of some kinds of human actions and behaviour. The survey included 25 items representing different deeds which the respondents evaluated within the ten-point scale where 1 meant "never acceptable" and 10 "always acceptable".

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Within April survey CVVM investigated how respondents are satisfied with living conditions close to their home. Respondents were also asked to evaluate following living conditions close to their home: cleaning of the streets; waste disposal; gas, electricity and water installation and canalization; road conditions; security; job opportunity; level of wages in this area, level of schools and of health care; level of shops and services, environment, cultural and sport opportunities, places where to relax; chance to have a meal for reasonable prices, and good system of public transport.

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In March 2007 CVVM used some questions focused on public tolerance to some groups of people. Czechs were show a list of 14 groups of people and they had to say, whether they would not want these people as their neighbours. Negative attitude to neighbourhood of four groups was expressed by Czech people. These groups consist of drug addicts, 87 % of Czech would not want them to be their neighbours. Four fifths of Czech citizens (81 %) would not like to live close to alcoholics and 77 % of Czechs would not want people with criminal past in their neighbourhood.

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Two thirds of Czech citizens feel safe in the Czech Republic and more than three quarters feel safe at the place they live. 55 % of people are satisfied with Police care of Public order and citizens' safety at place they live, on contrary 39 % are dissatisfied with it. Police activity in the whole Czech Republic was positively evaluated by 40 % of Czech citizens and 54 % expressed their dissatisfaction with it.

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In December 2006 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR focused also on topic Health System and Health Care in the Czech Republic. Approximately a third of Czech citizens(32 %) expressed their satisfaction with Health System in the Czech Republic, only a little less people said that they are not satisfied with it (29 %). More than a half of respondents (51 %) think that quality of Health Care has not changed very much last year.

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December CVVM survey was focused on Czech relationship to other nations and nationalities. Respondents were shown a list with 24 nationalities and they were asked to evaluate these nationalities with marks from 1 to 7 according to their sympathies for these nationalities (1 – very sympathetic and 7-very unsympathetic). Respondents find Czechs as the most sympathetic nation (on average 1,7).

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In December survey, there was included a question focused on respondents´relationship to traditions. They talked about what concrete kinds of traditions are significant for them. The answers represented different types of traditions – national, religious and familial and folk ones. The survey showed that more than a half of Czechs consider traditions as important, excepting the „attendance of divine services“.

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More than two thirds of Czechs (66 %) have a pesimistic attitude to the future. Their worries are not shared by 34 % of people. It was proved by results of last survey made by CVVM in year 2006, where questions investigating public attitude to their personal life or evaluation of future life of the society were included. People are mostly worried about their health and about losing their jobs, but they are also worried about their families or about standard of living.

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