FLEET.ORG, 19.8.2017.
There is considerable excitement about...
The laboratory of thermoelectrics is equipped with measurement instruments developed for both low and high temperature physical characterization of thermoelectric materials. Results, combined with the analysis of the atomic structure of the materials, provide a versatile tool for material design aiming for producing highly efficient thermoelectric materials.
The whole text »Instrumentation development in our group plays a vital role in the research of material properties under extreme conditions. Number of high pressure cells has been designed and built in the High Pressure Laboratory to study the magnetic, transport and thermodynamic properties of materials under high pressures, low temperatures and high magnetic fields.
The whole text »The laboratory of synthesis and chemical analysis is dedicated to the preparation of new materials and development of novel synthetic methods for nanoparticles and nanostructured composites. Moreover, it is also a main source of materials studied within the Department of Magnetics and Superconductors. All relevant chemical analyses of studied samples are provided here as well.
The whole text »Laboratory of Far-InfraRed Magnetospectroscopy (FIRM) is equipped with optically pumped THz gas laser, cryomagnetic cryostat and bolometer. Unique experimental setup enable us to measure optical properties of materials in the far-infrared region at low temperatures down to 3 K and in magnetic fields up to 11 tesla.
The whole text »The work description of the group of the laboratory of theory and computational instruments is the calculation of the electron structures, in particular focusing on the oxide materials on the border between the insulator and metal with strongly correlated electron systems.
The whole text »X-ray powder diffraction is a basic analytical tool in material science for phase identification and characterization. It is a non-destructive method with easy sample preparation and mounting. Small quantity of sample (0.1 cm3 of powder volume) is sufficent for measurement in the standard sample holder, but basically any amount can be analyzed as well using special holder cut from silicon single crystal.
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