Seminars archive

On highly eccentric stellar trajectories interacting with a self-gravitating disc

Vladimir Karas

Polarization of Radiation and General Relativity - Comptonization

Jiri Horak

What is hidden in Integral data, and how to look for it

Filip Munz

Modelling young star clusters in interacting galaxies

Peter Anders

The Triggered Star Formation

Jan Palous

Aspects of black holes and black rings in higher dimensional spacetimes: ultrarelativistic boosts and external magnetic fields

Marcello Ortaggio

Structures in the interstellar medium

Sona Ehlerova

First Stars and their Cosmological Consequences

David Bahena

Kozai resonance and its application on young stars near Sgr A*

Ladislav Subr

Motion of charged particles in electromagnetic and gravitational fields

Jaroslava Schovancova

The contribution of type Ia supernovae to the determination of cosmological parameters

Martine Mouchet

Black ring and higher dimensional gravity

Vojtech Pravda

Gravitational waves in exact solutions of Einstein's equations

Miroslav Belan

Lecture Day: Two lectures and discussion on high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations

Ronald Remillard, Jeffrey McClintock, Shoji Kato

Lecture Day: Various topics from dynamics of galaxies and interstelar medium

Jan Palous, Joachim Koppen, Dieter Breitschwerdt, Verena Baumgartner, Christian Theis, Adam Ruzicka, Simone Recchi, Pavel Jachym, Bruno Jungwiert

Variability an lightcurve patterns of accreting black holes

Jiri Horak

The Ondrejov cluster for astrophysical simulations (OCAS)

Miroslav Barta

The role of stellar mass-loss in galactic dynamics and evolution

Bruno Jungwiert

Radiative spacetimes approaching the Vaidya metric

Otakar Svitek

Winds from first stars

Jiri Krticka

Brown dwarfs in the Praesepe open cluster

Richard Chappelle

Probing the physics of gamma ray bursts in the era of rapid followup

Carole Mundell

Giant molecular clouds in galaxies

Yasuo Fukui

Relativity mini-workshop

Vladimir Karas, Jindrich Dolansky, Jaroslava Schovancova, Norbert Pozar, Jiri Horak, Jiri Svoboda, Ladislav Subr, Vojtech Pravda, Tomas Pechacek