Mgr. Jan Dus Th.D.

Foto pracovníka Jan Dus
+420 234 612 318

Department of Biblical Studies
scholar / head of the department

Research focus

New Testament - esp. First Letter of Peter, Second Letter of Peter, Letter of Juda.

New Testament Apocrypha - esp. Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, Apokalyptic writings.

Apostolic Fathers - esp. Martyrdom of Polycarp, Letters of Ignatius of Antioch.

Dutch theology of the 16th century - Menno Simons, Dirck Volckertszooon Coornhert.

Dutch theology of the 20th century - Kornelis H. Miskotte, Karl A. Deurloo, Theo de Boer, Nico ter Linden, Willem Barnard.


1999–2007 doctor study at the Charles University (Protestant Theological Faculty). Thesis: "Sibyllina Oracula I–II and VI–VIII. Questions of Bartholomaeus. New Testament Apocrypha in Czech translation."

1991–1999 study at the Charles University (Protestant Theological Faculty). Thesis: "Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert (1522-1590)."

1985–1991 study at the Charles University (Philosophical Faculty, Classical Philology). Thesis: "Czech Historian Kosmas and his Latin Chronica Boemorum."

Employment history

2004: researcher at the Centre for Classical Studies, Prague.

2001: researcher at the Centre for Biblical Studies, Prague.

1996–1998: lecturer at the Institute for Classical Studies, Masaryk University, Brno.

1991: lecturer at the New Nestament Department at the Protestant Theological Faculty, Prague.


2012-2018: "History and Interpretation of the Bible" (GA ČR).

2009-2011: "Narrative Gospels" (GA AV).

2001-2003: "Translation of the New Testament Apocrypha II." (GA UK).

2001: "Apocalyptical Topics in Oracula Sibyllina" (GA UK).

1997-1999: "Critical Edition of the New Testament Apocrypha" (GA UK).

Fellowships and research stays

1992–1994: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid. Thesis: "Idea of ,non-violence’ by Petr Chelčický and Menno Simons.“


Lecturer, New Testament Department, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague (New Testament Greek, Latin; Reading of the Greek and Latin texts; Early Christian and Patristic Literature).

Conference papers and lectures abroad

2007 - conference „Apokryphe Evangelien“. Lutherstadt Wittenberg. „Die neutestamentlichen Apokryphen in der tschechischen Übersetzung“.

Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic

2017 - XXV. Colloquium Biblicum. Praha, 19.-22.4.2017. Paper: "Die sanfte Courage von Sara (1Pt 3,1–7)".

2015 - XXIII. Colloquium Biblicum. Praha, 8.-11.4.2017. Paper: „Ein Streit um Moses’ Körper: Juda 9 und das verlorene Ende der ,Assumptio Mosis‘“.

2015 - Patristic Conference. Olomouc, 24.-25.9.2015. Paper: "Peter, the Apostle and Sympresbyteros (1Pt 5,1)".

2014 - conference Process of Authority. Praha, 8.-10.5.2014. Paper: "Papers, or principles? Ignatius of Antioch on the authority of the Old Testament (Philad 8:2)".

2013 - Patristic Conference. Praha, 20.9.2013. Paper: "The Truth in the Gospel of John and in the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch".

2013 - Symposion celebrating 80th birthday of Petr Pokorný. Prague, Protestant Theological Faculty, 11.-12.10.2013. Paper: "Das Opfer bei Ignatius von Antiochien".

2012 - XX. Colloquium Biblicum. Praha, 11.-14.4.2012. Paper: „Prophet Hesekiel in den Schriften von den Apostolischen Vätern“.

2012 - Patristic Conference. Olomouc, 20.-21.9.2012. Paper: "The Letters of Ignatius of Antioch: comparing the Middle and Long Version".

2011 - conference The Religious Theatre in Early Modern Times, Hradec Králové, 4.-5.10.2011. Paper: „Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert (1522–1590) and his Biblical Alegorical Plays“.

2011 - XIX. Colloquium Biblicum. Praha, 27.-30.4.2011. Paper: „Die jüdisch-christliche Argumentation gegenüber den Polytheismus in dem Brief an Diognet“.

2008 - Patristic Conference. Olomouc, 7.-8.11.2008. Paper: "Theology of Ignatius of Antioch".

2007 - conference „Comenius and Patristics“, Muzeum J. A. Komenského, Uherský Brod, 17.-18.10.2007. Paper: „Jan Amos Komenský a Ignatios Antiochejský“.

2007 - Biblical Language Teachers Meeting, Praha, 22.5.2007. Paper: "Passion of st. Bartholomew - apocryph and legend".

2005 – XIII. Colloquium Biblicum, Praha, „David-Bilder und David-Rezeption in und
ausserhalb des biblischen Kanons“. Paper„David als himmlischer Sänger in Visio Pauli“.

Honors and awards

1999 - The thesis "Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert (1522-1590)" was honoured by the Charles University Bolzano Award .