
Open positions

The Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites applications for a post-doctoral position in the Relativistic Astrophysics Group at the Prague section of the Institute

The Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites applications for a post-doctoral position in the Relativistic Astrophysics Group at the Prague section of the Institute. The appointment is initially for one year; an extension until the end of 2019 is expected upon satisfactory scientific performance and availability of funds. The position will be funded through the project “Non-linear Phenomena in a Multi-channel Astronomy of Black Holes”, which is supported by the Czech Science Foundation. The salary will be based on the domestic level and it includes health insurance. Commencement is expected on the 1st of August 2018.

 Candidates are expected to demonstrate research experience at least in one of the following topics: orbital dynamics in GR (Mathisson-Papapetrou equations, effective one-body approximation, self-force), gravitational waves (astrophysically relevant sources, synergy with electromagnetic signatures), black-hole accretion discs (GRMHD modeling, exact solutions), and/or particle acceleration in magnetic fields near black holes (effects of strong gravity). A successful applicant will join Georgios Loukes-Gerakopoulos, Petra Sukova, and Ondrej Kopacek in their research team, supported by the Czech Science Foundation.

Applications containing a Cover Letter, a Curriculum Vitae, a List of Publications, and a Summary of Research Plans should be submitted in a single pdf

to: sekretariat (at) asu.cas.cz

subject: “GR postdoc 2018 – Prague”

cc: gglukes (at) asu.cas.cz

Two recommendation letters have to be sent to the same email addresses with the same subject. 

In the application please provide the exact date of your PhD defense or attach a statement from the supervisor certifying the planned date of the defense. The successful candidate must hold a PhD degree in the field and present a certificate of that by the date of employment. Preferences will be given to early-stage researchers (PhD obtained after 2010). A necessary condition for the appointment is to satisfy the legal requirements for being employed in Czech Republic. For informal inquiries about the position please feel free to email Georgios Loukes-Gerakopoulos.

To receive full consideration please submit your application and arrange your recommendation letters to be sent by 15th April 2018. Applications will be acknowledged by email. Once the selection process is completed, the successful applicant will be notified.

Further information: