- Program
Conference „Philosophy and Social Science"
May 23 – 26, 2013
Venue: Villa Lanna, V sadech 1, Prague 6
Thursday, May 23, 2013
9.30 Introduction
10.00 – 11.30 Plenary 1, Room A
Scheuerman, Bill: Cosmopolitanism and the World State
12.00-13.30 Plenary 2, Room A
Goodin, Bob: On Complicity
Lunch Break
15.00 – 17.00 Panel Session 1
Room A: Section Crisis and Consequences
Langman, Lauren: Capitalism, Crises and "Great Refusals": Critical Theory, Social Movements and Utopian Visions
Milstein, Brian: Crisis, Object, and Community
Schaal, Gary: The Power of Neoliberalism. Sheldon Wolin's Contribution to the Analysis of Neoliberal Hegemony
Vatsov, Dimitar: Critique and Reactive Capitalism
Room B: Section Metaphysics and Critique
Bohmann, Ulf: Two Kinds of Critical Genealogy: Taylor and Foucault
Gray, Kevin W.: Marx as Proto-Systems Theory
Schecter, Darrow: Stratification, Differentiation and Dialectics: On the Possibility of De-Centred Mediations
Teixeira, Mariana: Critical Theory as Normative Reconstruction of Social Reality: An Assessment of Axel Honneth's Critical Model
Room C: Section Power, Domination, Violence
Baumanns, Bettina: Sexual abuse of children as a constitutional precondition of the patriarchate
Love, Nancy: Aesthetic Reason, Political Violence, and the Public Sphere
Eckert, Eva: Power of the Standard and the Dominated Roma Minority in Czech Republic
Sørensen, Asger: Habermas on Bildung – publicity, discourse, and politics
17.30 – 19.00 Panel Session 2
Room A: Section Power, Domination, Violence
Ferrarese, Estelle: The Political Grammar of Consent. Investigating a New Gender Order
Kettner, Matthias: Power and Reason in Discourse
María Pía Lara: Paradoxes of the Concept of Violence: Semantic Struggles in Political Philosophy
Room B: Section Politics of Images
Bottici, Chiara: Imaginal politics
Bustinduy, Pablo: Fiction and Communism
Thaler, Mathias: Political Imagination and the Crime of Crimes: Coming to Terms with 'Genocide' and 'Genocide Blindness'
Room C: Section Justice, Law, Democracy
Cviklová, Lucie: Transnational Courts in the Field of Human Rights through the Perspective of International Legal Theory
Gümplová, Petra: Sovereignty and Proprietary Concept of Territory - A Critique
Larsen, Øjvind: Human Rights - The Normative Ground for Philanthropy in a Global World
Friday, May 24 2013
9.30 – 11.00 Plenary 3, Room A
Bhambra, Gurminder: Citizens and Others: Beyond Orientalism
11.30-13.30 Panel Session 3
Room A: Section Justice, Law, Democracy
Wesche, Tilo: The Concept of Property in Rawls' Property-Owning Democracy
Iser, Mattias: On the Right of Revolution
Mazouz, Nadia: Defensive violence and relations of mutual respect
Wilke, Christiane: The Optics of Bombing: International Law, Civilians, and Burdens of Distinctions
Room B: Section Metaphysics and Critique
Ivkovic, Marjan: Social Theory and Post-Metaphysical Critique: the Problem of Conceptualizing Empirically Effective Normativity
McGuire, John: Who's Afraid of Karl Jaspers? Habermas and Postmetaphysical Praxis
Moss, Lenny: Metaphysics and Critique: On Regulative Autonomy and Empirical Hybridity.
Noppen, Pierre-François: What Is a Concept? Adorno's Idea of a Materialist Metaphysics
Room C: Section Crisis and Consequences
Crocker, Thomas P.: Can 'Necessitous Men' Ever Be Politically Free? On Crisis, Rules, and Exceptions
Dahl Rendtorff, Jacob: Critical hermeneutics, institutionalism and social legitimacy: Habermas and the need for another economics
Feng, Yanli /Wang, Zhen: The Characteristics of the Study on the Current Crisis and China's response to the Crisis
Pellizzoni, Luigi: Indefiniteness as emancipation? On the ontological critique of neoliberal governance
Lunch Break
15.00 – 17.00 Panel Session 4
Room A: Section Crisis and Consequences
Erlenbusch, Verena: Between National and Popular Sovereignty: Habermas and the Unfinished Project of Europe
Gledhill, James: Habermas's Reconstruction of the European Project: Merely Wishful Thinking?
Minda, Gary: The "Metaphysics of our Union"
Room B: Section Metaphysics and Critique
Duvenage, Pieter: At the beginning of Critical Theory. The early Horkheimer on metaphysics and critique
Erman, Eva: What to Expect (and not) from the Pragmatic Turn in Political Theory
Ibsen, Malte: Justice, Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School
Schaub, Jörg: Framing the Relationship Between Theory and Praxis
Room C: Section Justice, Law, Democracy
Fine, Robert: Natural Law and Critical Theory: Bringing Rights Back In
Vesper, Achim: Does the risk of oppression belong to the law (as Hart claims)?
Rostboll, Christian: The Non-Instrumental Value of Democracy: The Freedom Argument
Yaghoubi, Ardevan: Self-Legislation and the Constitutional Politics of Idealism: Kant, Hegel, and Savigny
17.30 – 18.30 Panel Session 5
Room A: Section Crisis and Consequences
Biebricher, Thomas: The Other Crisis – Democracy in Europe
Sauter, Martin: Europe at the Crossroads: The Crisis of Integration and the Problem of Identity
Room B: Section Politics of Images
Hübner, Dietmar: The Role of Images in Distributive Justice
Koch, Christina: The 'Guy Fawkes Mask': An Icon (Un)Masking Politics
Room C: Section Metaphysics and Critique
Buddeberg, Eva: Practising Responsibility
Dege, Carmen: Situating the Other: The Ethical Turn Reconsidered
Saturday, May 25 2013
9.30 – 11.00 Plenary 4, Room A
Moellendorf, Darrel: Why Global Justice: The Case of Crisis Transfer Mechanisms
11.30-13.30 Panel Session 6
Room A: Section Power, Domination, Violence
Karnein, Anja: Structural Injustice and Individual Agency
Marin, Mara : What is Structural about Structural Injustice? A Critique of Iris Young's Reliance on the Rawls-an Idea of the Basic Structure
Menke, Christoph: At the Brink of Law – Hannah Arendt's Revision of the Judgement on Eichmann
Room B: Section Metaphysics and Critique
Bordum, Anders: Power and the challenges of change
Dege, Martin : The emergence of cooperation in everyday-life
Mihai, Mihaela : Curb your Enthusiasm: Reflective Judgement and the Inertia of Political Habitus
Schmidt, Christian: Norms for Social Change
Room C: Section Justice, Law, Democracy
Banerjee, Kiran: Rethinking Membership: Statelessness, Domination, and the Limits of Contemporary Citizenship
Eule, Tobias : The Power of Law? Domination through and of law, and the prospects for equality
Gregoratto, Federica: From Power to Domination in Habermas' Theory of Deliberative Democracy
Peritz, David: Equality for Whom? A Status Sensitive Approach to Prioritarian Distributive Justice
Lunch Break
15.00 – 17.00 Panel Session 7
Room A: Section Power, Domination, Violence
Franěk, Jakub: Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault on Biopower
Park, Gyunghee (April): Memory, Emotions, and Moral Perception: A Critical Perspective
Petherbridge, Danielle: The Power of Critique: Rethinking the Analysis of Power in Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition
Winter, Steven: Three Mistakes about Power: Lessons from George Orwell, Václav Havel, and Robert Cover on Power, Violence, and Commitment
Room B: Section Metaphysics and Critique
Claviez, Thomas: The Limits of Recognition
Buchwalter, Andrew: The Fact of Poverty and Hegel's Account of Right as Reflexive Ethicality
Jütten, Timo: Dignity and Recognition
Särkela, Arvi-Antti: Evil as "Spiritual Monopoly" - Hegel and Dewey on some Complexities of Universality
Room C: Section Justice, Law, Democracy
Biskamp, Floris: Islam and anti-Muslim Resentments in Germany
Kreuzzieger, Milan: The Museum as Cosmopolitan Institution
Invernizzi, Carlo: Are 'Epistemic' Theories of Democracy really Democratic? Truth, freedom, and equality as grounds for political legitimacy
Menent, Melis: Provisional title: "Constitutional Patriotism"
17.30 – 19.00 Panel Session 8
Room A: Section Power, Domination, Violence
Berger, Tobias: Good Shalish/Bad Shalish – Islam & the Promotion of Women's Rights in Bangladesh
Kasanda, Albert: African Women's Power Dynamics
Lindner, Urs: Annihilation of Caste and Social Philosophy: Ambedkar as a Critical Theorist
Room B: Section Crisis and Consequences
Alpsancar, Suzana: Critique of Technology and the Human Condition: Comparing Arendt and Gehlen
Gottschalk-Mazouz, Niels: Power and domination as challenges of an emerging "internet of things"
Ylönen, Marja: Post-Fukushima: signaled and silenced aspects of nuclear safety regulation
Room C: Section Metaphysics and Critique
Bueno, Arthur: From Teleology to Life: Normative Patterns of Money
Seyfert, Robert: The soluble riddles of modern society
Sunday, May 26 2013
9.30 – 11.00 Plenary 5, Room A
Cooke, Maeve: The Metaphysical Moment: Post-Postmetaphysical Critical Theory
11.30-13.30 Panel Session 9
Room A: Section Metaphysics and Critique
Carleheden, Mikael: On the Relation between Critical Sociology and Sociology of Critique
Costa, Paolo: The Axial Breakthrough and Social Criticism: A Reassessment
Henning, Christoph: Resonance and Ontology: A Comeback for Perfectionism in Critical Theory?
Susen, Simon: Is There Such a Thing as a "Pragmatic Sociology of Critique"?
Room B: Section Crisis and Consequences
Carneiro, Silvio: Tabooed democracy: Marcusean thought on new political challenges
Znepolski, Boyan: Down with Demcocracy! Long Live the People! ('The People' as a Critical Idea in Contemporary Radical Political Philosophy)
- 26.05.2013
Místo konání:Villa Lanna, Praha 6