Department of Multiphase Reactors
Department number:
Head of Department:
Růžička Marek
Suchdol Annual Reports for Department of Multiphase Reactors
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2014
Annual Report 2013
Annual Report 2012
Annual Report 2011
Annual Report 2010
Fields of Research:
- Fluid dynamics and transport phenomena in multiphase systems of gas-liquid, liquid-solid or gas-liquid-solid type
- Influence of surface active agents on the multiphase flows
- Powder rheology, sedimentation of polydisperse granular mixtures
- Numerical simulations of the gas-liquid and granular systems (with Fluent, CFX, DEM)
- Flow of a liquid or gas-liquid dispersions in channels or microchannels
- Complex rheological behavior of microdispersions
- Theory, methodology and new application of electrodiffusion diagnostics
- Stability and behaviour of complex beverage foams
- Immobilization of biocatalysts, living cells or enzymes, into organic or organic-inorganic matrices by sol-gel proces
Applied Research:
- Powder rheology
- Rheology of liquids and dispersions, qualitative measurement of the apparent wall slip
- Electrodiffusion diagnostics of the flow and measurement of shear stress on the wall
- Numerical predictions of gas-liquid systems behaviour
- Application of immobilized biocatalysts in optical sensors
History of the Research Projects
Granular Media Group (Ruzicka M., Kulaviak L., Havlica J., Travnickova T., Stanovsky P.)
- Powder rheology and flowability measurement
- DEM simulation of mixing of granular materials
- Brakage of granular materials under compression
- Sedimentation of polydisperse granular mixtures
Biotechnology Group (Kuncova G., Branyikova I., Kostejnova L., Majerova P.)
Research projects:
- Využití nanoaditiv pro zvýšení účinnosti přenosu tepla a chladu u teplosměnných kapalin , TAČR , Tihon Jaroslav
- Elektrokoagulační jednotka na separaci řasové biomasy , TAČR , Brányiková Irena
- Role of interfacial properties on dynamics of bubbles and drops , CAS , Kordač Orvalho Sandra
- Process Intensification through Adaptable Catalytic Reactors made by 3D Printing (PRINTCR3DIT) , H2020 , Stavárek Petr
- Bubble break-up in a turbulent flow , GACR , Vejražka Jiří
Head of DepartmentSenior Scientist
- doc. Ing. Růžička Marek, DSc.
Deputy Head of DepartmentScientist
- Ing. Zedníková Mária, Ph.D.
- Ing. Brányiková IrenaPh.D.
- doc. Ing. Havlica Jaromír, Ph.D.
- Ing. Jiřičný Vladimír, CSc.
- Kordač Orvalho Sandra, Ph.D.
- Ing. Šimčík Miroslav, Ph.D.
- Ing. Stanovský Petr, Ph.D.
- Ing. Stavárek Petr, Ph.D.
- Ing. Tihon Jaroslav, CSc.
- doc. Ing. Večeř Marek, Ph.D.
- Ing. Vejražka Jiří, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
- Ing. Hejda Stanislav, Ph.D.
- Ing. Kulaviak Lukáš, Ph.D.
- Dr. Ing. Lali Farzad
- Ing. Pěnkavová Věra, Ph.D.
- Ing. Trávníčková Tereza, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Student
- Msc. Ezeji Kingsley
- Eng. Ujčić Massimo, MSc.
Research Assistant
- Ing. Holub Ladislav
- Ing. Vychodilová Hana, CSc.