What Was Going On In Ljubljana? On Slavoj Žižek and His Contemporaries
Jones Irwin (Dublin City University)
Pořádá Oddělení pro studium moderní české filosofie
FLÚ AV ČR, Jilská 1, zasedací místnost
- Anotace a plakát
In recent years, Slovenian intellectuals with a strong (or 'orthodox') Lacanian emphasis have had a very significant influence on the international development of philosophical thinking, led inimitably by Slavoj Žižek. However, at times, this popularity of Žižek has overshadowed or marginalised the very serious intellectual and philosophical significance of this movement or shared sensibility. This presentation will attempt to cast some light on this complex and fascinating history, drawing on interviews with the leading philosophical figures of the movement (Žižek, Zupančič and Dolar) as well as analysis of the their most important texts and the wider social movements. Irwin will also seek to draw some connections between the example of Žižek and examples of 'dissident Marxism' in other countries. As two instances here, the Czech philosopher, Karel Kosik, and the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire will be cited.
Plakát ke stažení ZDE.