Turcmenigena warentzowi Melgunov, 1894

Turcmenigena warentzowi
[Photo © Karel Hodek]
Turcmenigena warentzowi
[Photo © Maxim Smirnov]
[picture from photo collection of Mikhail Danilevsky]

Turcmenigena warentzowi, an interesting example of the Turano-Dzungarian entomofauna, is typical longhorn beetle of clay and sandy habitats of the region with black saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron) growths [❖]. The species is not rare, but thanks to nocturnal life and region of the occurence it's not so common in European Cerambycidae collections. The larva develops in the trunks of saxaul and adult beetles feed on its shoots.

Body length:13 - 25 mm
Life cycle:2-3 years [?]
Adults in:July - August
Host plant:saxaul (Haloxylon sp.)
Distribution:Iran, Kazakhstan

The depicted living beetle was reared from a larva found in dead Haloxylon in Tau-Kum desert, Kazakhstan by our friend Karel Hodek. The mounted specimen was collected by Mikhail Danilevsky in Nurly env, SE Kazakhstan (5.VII.1999).

Wildlife of Kazakhstan ond Adjacent Areas
Materials of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Institute of Zoology of the Republic of Kazakhstan (22-23 November 2012).
Meldebekov A.M., Baizhanov M.KH., Kovshar A.F, Kazenas V.L, Slivinskii G.G., Krupa E.G., Bajdavletov R.Zh. (Eds.).
Almaty 2012, ISBN 978-601-80265-2-2
[download pdf icon]

Turcmenigena warentzowi
Turcmenigena warentzowi
Turcmenigena warentzowi
[Photo © Karel Hodek]

Subfamilia: Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Hesperophanini Mulsant, 1839
Genus: Turcmenigena Melgunov, 1894
Species: Turcmenigena warentzowi Melgunov, 1894