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Mathematica Bohemica

Founded: 1872

Published by: Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences

MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA publishes original research papers of high scientific quality in mathematics. Although under a new title, it is the continuation of the renowned Časopis pro pěstování mathematiky a fysiky (Journal for Cultivation of Mathematics and Physics) founded in 1872. The journal is published quarterly in issues containing 112 pages each. Scientific papers by the authors from the whole world are published in congress languages (mostly in English). Manuscripts of papers intended for publication should be prepared according to the instructions and submitted through the electronic Journal System. Authors can see the referee process in the electronic Journal System.

Editor-in-Chief: Dagmar Medková

Editorial Board:
Leonid Berezansky (Beer Sheva), Functional differential equations, Stability, Oscillation
Simion Breaz (Cluj-Napoca), Algebra, Modulus, Rings, Categories
Josef Diblík (Brno), Ordinary differential equations, Functional differential equations, Difference equations
Michela Eleuteri (Modena-Reggio Emilia), Partial differential equations, Calculus of variations, Systems with hysteresis
Reinhard Farwig (Darmstadt), Partial differential equations, Mathematical fluid mechanics
Eduard Feireisl (Praha), Evolutionary partial differential equations, Mathematical fluid dynamics
Javier Gutiérrez García (Bilbao), General topology, Many-valued (fuzzy) topology, Pointfree topology
Radomír Halaš (Olomouc), Algebra, Partially ordered sets and structures, Algebraic logic
Stanisława Kanas (Rzeszów), Complex analysis
Mikhail Klin (Beer Sheva), Algebraic graph theory, Finite permutation groups, Computer algebra, Use of group theory in mathematical chemistry
Alexandr Lomtatidze (Brno), Qualitative theory of ordinary and functional differential equations
Dagmar Medková (Praha), Potential theory, Integral equation method
Vladimír Müller (Praha), Functional analysis, Operator theory
Miroslav Ploščica (Košice), Universal algebra, Lattice theory, Ordered structures
Marek Ptak (Kraków), Operator theory, Functional analysis
Pavel Pyrih (Praha), General topology, Continuum theory
Sándor Radeleczki (Miskolc), Lattice theory, Partially ordered sets and structures, Universal algebra, Rough set theory
Grigore Salagean (Cluj-Napoca), Complex analysis
Jean-Sébastien Sereni (Strasbourg), Graph theory, Combinatorics
Jiří Spurný (Praha), Functional analysis, Measure and integration
Riste Škrekovski (Ljubljana), Graph colorings, Hypercubes, Chemical graph theory, Large network
Jiří Šremr (Brno), Ordinary and functional differential equations, Boundary value problems, Oscillation theory

Executive Editor: Gabriela Javůrková

Chief of Production: Karel Horák

Editorial Office

Mathematica Bohemica
Institute of Mathematics CAS
Žitná 25
CZ-115 67 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Tel: +420 222 090 763
Fax: +420 222 090 701
E-mail: mathboh@math.cas.cz
URL: http://mb.math.cas.cz/

ISSN: 0862-7959 (Print)
ISSN: 2464-7136 (On-line)

Orders and subscriptions

Myris Trade, s.r.o.
V Štíhlách 1311
CZ-142 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic

Tel: +420 234 035 200
Fax: +420 234 035 207
E-mail: myris@myris.cz

For more information see www.myris.cz.

[Institute of Mathematics CAS]
Last changed March 17, 2018. Please mail any comments to library@math.cas.cz