Brokl, Lubomír, Zdenka Mansfeldová, Ivan Gabal. 1996. „A Short History of the Czech and Slovak Parties.“ Pp. 51-69 in Gabal, Ivan (ed.). The 1990 Election to the Czechoslovak Federal Assembly: Analyses, Documents and Data. Berlin: Sigma. 198 s. ISBN 9783894041588.
The analyses presented in this book focus on the election to the Czechoslovakian Federal Assembly in June 1990. They describe and explain the development of the political parties, the social and political features of the candidates in this parliamentary election, the electoral behavior of the public, and the formation of government. Appendices provide the party and election laws as well as essential datasets prepared for secondary analysis by the Zentralarchiv für empirische Sozialforschung in Cologne. The book is part of the series of comparative country-specific studies on "Founding Elections in Eastern Europe", edited by Hans-Dieter Klingemann and Charles L. Taylor, and sponsored by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.
politics (and political attitudes)