Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., a katedra sociologie Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na podzimní cyklus Čtvrtečních sociologických seminářů.
This is an interdisciplinary study amongst Political Science, Economics, and Legal Studies, about the social effects that are produced by the reciprocal relation between impunity and socioeconomic inequality, but located in the field of the Sociology. The reciprocal relation is verified in social effects such as: a differing justice quality depending on the actor that faces it; Human Rights violations that escape to the law and violations during the justice process; and the manipulation of the justice by the political and economic elites. The antidotes applied so far have been not enough, it may be helpful to link them and add some citizen participation, real autonomy and enforceability.
The social effects vary according to the aggression type, not only to the kind of actor. The study of the impunity has not been complete and has been very difficult to measure, maybe adding the component of the inequality could bring more clearness to the issue. The previous studies on impunity or inequality have ignored the other problem respectively, it may be interesting to start a comprehensive analysis, using the aggression type as a qualitative component and adding as much quantitative information as possible. In this case it is used quantitative information from Mexico about the criminal justice process, the presence of the corruption, imprisonment and sentencing, the socio economic factors, impunity and its measurement, the trust in the authorities, the costs of crime and justice, the violence as a component of the equation, the prison system, the human rights and the need for justice as a basic need.
José de Jesús Pérez Martínez is a Ph.D candidate at El Colegio de San Luis, in México, with previous experience in social sciences research, with a bachelor’s degree in Laws (and a thesis about the juridical sociology), and a master degree in Public Policies and Political Affairs (with a thesis on Corruption, Accountability and Transparency). He has been working with some Civil Society Organizations like Animus Novandi, Respuesta Alternativa and Educiac, dedicated to the Human Rights, Social Policies and Evaluation of Public Policies. He has some experience as a language teacher and has received twice a scholarship from the National Council of Science and Technology in Mexico for the research projects. He has participated in some Symposiums and Seminars about social sciences, public security, human rights, philosophy and political economy.