The subject of this sociological project is support for the social acceptance of the institutional mechanisms designed for the enforcement of the principle of egual opportunities for men and women in the public sphere. The project provides targeted user groups with access to research results, fosters public understanding and social confidence in topics of gender, and develops effective social intervention in gendered social practise. The project output will evaluate the impact of this intervention on taboo issues and on the process of enforcing a scientific line of reasoning in social discourses relating to important issues in the lives of Czech women and men, and will critically assess the real benefit in the transfer of gender-related findings, data and research studies. The research focus of this applied project corresponds to the necessity of strengthening the credibility and importance of science and research for addressing pressing and socially urgent issues in the contemporary world.
Project publications (total 80, displaying 1 - 10)
The book examines legislative and institutional framings of childcare and its gendered impacts in the Czech Republic in the context of current policies of care in other European countries. The aim is to introduce results of analyses of empirical data on childcare to public debates and to point on several conceptual mistakes in current policy of care in the Czech Republic.
The article analyses the shape and the impacts of the reform of parental allowance in the CR in 2008. It shows that the reform will lead to increasing of social inequalities and will disadvantage certain groups of population, for. ex. lone mothers.
Czech Republic has abandoned its previous childcare policy after 1989. It is currently among the countries with the lowest percentage of children under the age of three in formal childcare while percentages of older children are rather average or high in European comparison. The chapter analyzes causes of the decline in the formal childcare and answers several questions: Who cares for children in current Czech society? What is the future of pre-school childcare in Czech society?
The chapter deals with the degradation of parental leave if taken as „vacation“ and the neglected role of fathers in upbringing and caring for young children.
The paper focus on the position of women with children on the Czech labour market and the role of social policy. It deals with their working conditions, discriminations and the conditions for work and family reconciliation. The first part of the paper concerns the basic indicators of gender inequalities. The aim of the second part of the paper is to answer the question about who is afraid of working mother.
The final chapter systematically summarizes the debate about the politics of care, respectively family policy in the Czech Republic with the references to the context of European Union.
The book The Sexualised Reality of Labour Relations (Sexualizovaná realita pracovních vztahů) is the outcome of a sociological study of gender harassment and sexual harassment that was conducted by the Gender & Sociology Department at the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Introductory chapter of the book puts the phenomenon of sexual harassment and harassment based on gender into context of theories of justice and theoretical gender approachs towards social inequalities. The author further focuses on gender discrimination on labour market and on issue of unequal distribution of symbolic power between men and women.
The chapter by Marie Čermáková is based on the public opinion research about harassment and sexual harassment at the workplace especially between employees with a focus on a context and types of working ambiance and an occurrence of this phenomenon. Concretely, the text focuses on the analysis of interpersonal relations at the workplace with respect to diverse forms of disadvantagedness and harassment based on sex.