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Past events

Seminář / Thursday, 22.06.2017 10:00

Inspirational multiscale biological composites

Seminář / Wednesday, 21.06.2017 10:00

MARTA and LATTES : R&D projects for a new generation of high energy cosmic rays and gamma ray observatories

Seminář / Tuesday, 20.06.2017 10:00

Towards The Aberration-Free Solid-State Laser

Seminář / Thursday, 15.06.2017 14:00

Probing high mobility, spin polarised holes via terahertz spectroscopy

Dvořákova přednáška / Tuesday, 13.06.2017 15:00

Advanced scintillators for fast timing applications

Seminář / Tuesday, 13.06.2017 10:00

STM investigation of laser driven processes at surfaces

Seminář / Wednesday, 07.06.2017 10:00

Cooperative Function in Atomically Precise Nanoscale Assemblies

Seminář / Tuesday, 06.06.2017 13:30

Contactless thermometry with luminescent microprobes

Seminář / Tuesday, 06.06.2017 13:00

Colloidal two-dimensional nanostructures

Seminář / Tuesday, 06.06.2017 10:00

Buckminsterfullerene: a probe to reveal hidden surface properties of metals
