Prague Daily Monitor, 6.3.2018.
Czech astronomer Martin Masek...
We collaborate on the sub-systems Hadronic Calorimeter TILECAL and Inner Detector of the ATLAS experiment on the design and production of special high- and low-voltage power supplies. Organization of computing and collaboration on running the computing facilities. We participate in the development and testing of detectors for ATLAS ITK - planned upgrade of the ATLAS inner detector. The whole text »
We participate in activities of the CERN RD50 collaboration “Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders”. We measure electrical characteristics of silicon strip sensors before and after gamma and proton irradiation using Karl Suss Pa200 semi-automatic probe station as well as manual probe station with cool chuck installed at the silicon laboratory of the IoP. The proton irradiated sensors must be tested cooled with cool nitrogen flow. The whole text »
The NOvA is the highlight neutrino experiment operating by Fermilab, USA. The main goal is the measurement of basic characteristics of the oscillation of neutrinos provided by accelerators. Our main task is the responsibility in the run coordinating the whole experiment, making the operation smoothly and taking decisions in a mid and long term running. This includes leading of the operations meetings and reporting of the experiment status to the directorate and collaboration. Also the department is involved in the operating NOvA DAQ systems, providing on-call expert work and other support. The whole text »
We participate in the project „Advanced European infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators“, acronym AIDA-2020, proposal number 654168. The project started in May 2015 and lasts 4 years. The project brings together the leading European infrastructures in detector development and a number of academic institutes. In total 19 countries and CERN are involved in this programme, which follows closely priorities of the European Strategy for Particle Physics.
The whole text »The aim of the project is to develop and test a new type of hadron calorimeter for a detector at planned International Linear Collider (ILC). The required properties are high density, hermeticity and very high granularity to separate different particle in jets.
The whole text »The experiment started in 1999 and its aim is to measure the lifetime of π+ π- and πK atoms in the ground state using the 24 GeV/c proton beam of the CERN Proton Synchrotron. This is a very challenging task requiring quite a lot of time and high precision of measurement
The whole text »WLCG is an international project lead by CERN with the aim to coordinate the worldwide LCG GRID data processing of the LHC experiments. Regional computing center for particle physics AS CR is fully integrated into the LCG grid and automatically delivers computing services to the collaborating experiments. The whole text »
The Department collaborates on running the grid computing for experiments with another Institute department SAVT, with CESNET as national grid computing coordinator and with other international projects like EGI or WLCG. CESNET also provides special computing point to point connections for the grid. The whole text »
The experiment investigates properties of electron/positron collisions with protons on the HERA collider at DESY Hamburg at the centre of mass energy 920 GeV. Parton distribution functions of proton, discovery of hard diffraction in ep collisions, investigation of virtual photon structure, jet physics and neutral current properties, are the main topics of the experiment. Since HERA was stopped in the middle of 2007, the data analysis and publishing of physical results are the main activities of the experiment now.
The whole text »Collaboration on high-voltage fan-out for the muon detector of the D0 experiment. Organization of computing and collaboration on running the computing facilities. The whole text »