RNDr. Martin Šimon , Ph.D.

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Curriculum vitae

  • 2012 PhD, General issues in geography, Faculty of Science, Charles University
  • 2008 MSc, Social geography and regional development, Faculty of Science, Charles University
  • 2006 BSc, Geography and cartography, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Field of specialisation: 
  • residential mobility and segregations
  • environmental criminology
  • political and electoral geography
  • geographic information systems (GIS) in social sciences
  • mobilities research, counterurbanisation
Teaching activities: 

Methods in Social Geography I, Methods in Social Geography II, Urban Social Geography I, Urban Social Geography II, Selected Chapters from Physical and Human Geography,  (Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague)


Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad: 

All publications

Other publications

Articles with impact factor

Chapters in monograph


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Papers published in conference proceedings

Připojené obrázky

Historický atlas obyvatelstva českých zemí
Podíl Němců 1930 - kvantily - A2
Volební neúčast v prezidentských volbách 2014 - kvanitly - A4
Index of Population Change 2011/1991 In Central Europe
Mean age 2011 In Central Europe
Change of Mean Age 2001-2011 In Central Europe
Components of Population Change 2001-2011 In Central Europe
Relative Rate of Unemployment (%) In Central Europe
Total Fertility Rate  In Central Europe
Life Expectancy 2011 In Central Europe
Thefts From Car in 2011 in Prague Metropolitan Area
mapa ODS
mapa KDU-ČSL
Diferenciace věkově specifické migrace 1992-4 a 2005-2007 v Česku
Typologie území Česka
Typologie migrace na venkov - kontraurbanizace
Volební neúčast 1. kole prezidentské volby 2018