Seminář / Úterý, 27.09.2016 15:00 |
Overview of solid-state laser materials at cryogenic temperatures |
Seminář / Úterý, 27.09.2016 10:00 |
Multimodal laser system for nonlinear Raman microspectroscopy |
Seminář / Úterý, 27.09.2016 10:00 |
Controlling magnetism at the nanoscale with surface charge manipulation |
Seminář / Pondělí, 26.09.2016 14:30 |
Correlated clusters, similar sublattices, tenfold twins, and digressions into discrepancies - Contributions to the crystal chemistry of complex intermetallics |
Seminář / Čtvrtek, 22.09.2016 14:00 |
Analysis of Air Showers with respect to Primary Composition of Cosmic Rays |
Seminář / Úterý, 20.09.2016 15:00 |
Ab initio theory of Gilbert damping in random ferromagnetic alloys |
Seminář / Úterý, 20.09.2016 10:00 |
Classical and quantum correlation in coupled spin systems and their influence on the differential conductance |
Seminář / Čtvrtek, 15.09.2016 10:00 |
High Power Laser Technology and Laser-Plasma EUV Source for Mass Production of Next-Generation Semiconductor Lithography |
Seminář / Úterý, 13.09.2016 15:00 |
Computational physics and chemistry at CCMS |
Seminář / Úterý, 13.09.2016 10:00 |
Proximity effects induced by exchange and spin-orbit coupling at intefaces: graphene on metals and metal-organic coordination networks on topological insulators |