
Přednáška Profesor Nancy Jurik - Technology and the Balance of Work, Family, and Life

15. 4. 2009

1. 6. 2009 ve 14 hodin, v zasedací místnosti Sociologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i.

Oddělení Gender & sociologie Sociologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i. uvádí v pondělí 1. 6. 2009 ve 14 hodin v zasedací místnosti Sociologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i. přednášku Profesor Nancy Jurik:

Technology and the Balance of Work, Family, and Life


Nancy C. Jurik, Professor and Director of Graduate Programs, School of Justice & Social Inquiry Arizona State University, USA

Nancy Jurik is a Professor in the School of Justice & Social Inquiry. She has a PhD in Sociology from the University of California at Santa Barbara and completed postdoctoral work at UCLA. She has been at ASU since 1981. Her research and teaching interests address issues of gender, occupations, work-related technology, and work organizations. Her past research focuses on women in traditionally men’s occupations. With Susan Ehrlich Martin, she Publisher in 2007 the second edition of a book Doing Justice, Doing Gender: Women in Legal and Criminal Justice Occupations (Sage, 2006). She has published articles in scholarly journals that include Social Problems, The Sociological Quarterly, Gender & Society, and Men & Masculinities. Dr. Jurik is also interested in the economic justice surrounding small businesses, microenterprise development, and in economic policy relating to poverty and wealth accumulation. Her 2005 book examines the issues surrounding U.S. microenterprise development in the new economy. This book is entitled Bootstrap Dreams: U.S. Microenterprise Development In An Era of Welfare Reform (Cornell University Press).

Ongoing research of Prof. Jurik includes a study of the use of technology to do work away from the office, and the gender issues in family businesses in the U.S. In 2009 she is the editor of „Ding Gender“ as Canon or Agenda, A Symposium on West and Zimmermann in Gender & Society Journal. Prof. Jurik teaches courses in Economic Justice, Women and Work, Theories of Justice, and Feminism & Justice. In 2002-2003, she served as president of the Society for the Study of Social Problems.

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