* 5. 10. 1978 in Roudnice nad Labem
Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Veveří 97, 602 00 Brno
Tel.: ++420 532290 250
E-mail: filip@psu.cas.cz
Research interests
- psychology of personal constructs - methodology and applications in counselling and clinical work
- analytical psychology
- philosophy of science
Education, practice
- 2005 - 2009: full-time job at the Centre of Clinical Psychology for Children, Prague - Luziny
- 2006: Ph.D., Faculty of Social Sciences, MasarykUniversity, Brno
- 2004 – present: part-time job at the Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences
- 2002 - 2004: part-time job at the Centre for Research of Personality Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, Brno
- 1997 – 2003: study of psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
Research projects supported by grant agencies
- Grant agency of Czech Republic 406/09/P604: Psychological diagnostics from the point of view of the personal construct theory (2009-2011, postdoctoral project; https://sites.google.com/site/tsvrev/english)
- Grant agency of Czech Republic 406/06/1577: Text analysis as a research and diagnostic tool (2006-2008, member of the research team)
- Cognitive Systems: Experiments, Modelling and Testing in Vision, Judgement and Knowledge (workshop 2.- 3. 11. 2005, Graz, founded by Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office)
Membership in associations and organizations
European Personal Construct Association
Czech Society for Analytical Psychology (CSAP)
Research stays
- 2002 - Cognitive Science Section, University of Graz
Selected publications
Filip, M., Urbánek, T., & Lukavský, J. (2010). Semantic Selection Test as a tool for constructivist diagnostics. In D. Bourne, M. Fromm (Eds.), Construing PCP: New contexts and perspectives (s. 233-246). Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH.
Filip, M. (2010). A manual for the Revised Semantic Selection Test and Software BARBORKA. [http://sites.google.com/site/tsvrev/english/a-manual-for-tsvrev]
Lukavský, J., Filip, M., & Urbánek, T. (2010). BARBORKA – Software for the Revised Semantic Selection Test.[http://sites.google.com/site/tsvrev/manual-tsvrev-a-software-barborka]