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Ing. Vratislav Kafka, DrSc.

Oddělení mechaniky kontinua

vedoucí vědecký pracovník
pracoviště: Praha
telefon: 225 443 274
e-mail: kafka
kancelář: 139
Seznam publikací

V.Kafka: Solution to the stress state in a periodically heterogeneous layered medium (in Czech), Rozpravy ČSAV, Academia, Praha 1964.
V.Kafka: Microstresses in Elastic-Plastic Deformation of Quasihomogeneous Materials, Rozpravy ČSAV, Academia, Praha 1972.
V.Kafka: Foundations of the theoretical microrheology of heterogeneous materials (in Czech), Academia, Praha 1984.
V.Kafka: Inelastic Mesomechanics, World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore - New Jersey - London - HongKong 1987.
V. Kafka: Mesomechanical Constitutive Modeling, World Scientific, Singapore • New Jersey • London • Hong Kong, 2001

Chapters in Monographs
V.Kafka: Biomechanical Heterogeneity, In: Biomechanics, ed.J.Valenta, Elsevier, Amsterdam -London - New York - Tokyo 1993.
V.Kafka and J.Jírová: Mesomechanical Modelling of Living Soft Tissues, In: Ligaments and Ligamentoplasties, ed.L'Hocine Yahia, Springer Verlag, 1996, pp.99-113.