
25 Apr 2018

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Kateřina Zábrodská, Ph.D.

photo_zabrodska.jpgSENIOR RESEARCHER

Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences
Hybernská 8
Prague 1, 110 00
Czech Republic
Phone: (+420) 224 005 291(+420) 224 005 291

Current research interests

•  Workplace bullying and abuse
•  Quality of work-life issues, well-being at work
•  Higher education
•  Interpretative and discursive psychology
•  Cross-cultural research
•  Qualitative and mixed-methods methodology


•  2009 - Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.
•  2005 - MA in Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.

Research grants

•  2014 - 2016 - Quality of Work Environment and Employee Well-Being in Public Higher Education (principal investigator). The Czech Sciences Foundation Grant (GA14-02098S)
•  2010 - 2012 - Workplace Bullying in Tertiary Education: Qualitative Methodology as a Research and Intervention Tool (principal investigator). The Czech Sciences Foundation Grant (P407/10/P146)
•  2009 - 2011 - Transformation of Gender Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948-1989 (cooperating researcher). The Czech Science Foundation Grant (GA403/09/1502)

International scholarships and awards

•  2014 - Fulbright/Masaryk Scholarship 2014/2015, The Department of Communication. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Host: Professor Dennis K. Mumby.
•  2011 - Collective Biography Training, Sydney. Host: Professor Bronwyn Davies.
•  2010 - EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism Funds: Visiting Researcher with The Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway. Host: Dr. Agnes Andenæs.
•  2007 - Endeavour Europe Award 2007/2008, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Visiting Fellow with the 'The Narrative Discourse and Pedagogy' Research Node. Host: Prof. Bronwyn Davies.
•  2006 - The Danish Governmental Award, The Danish University of Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. Visiting Researcher with the 'Gender, Diversity and Subjectification' Research Group. Host: Prof. Dorte Marie Söndergaard.
•  2003 - Socrates/Erasmusm Program. Master's Studies in Psychology. The Department of Psychology, Århus University, Århus, Denmark (two semesters).
Awards and recognition

•  2014 - The Otto Wichterle Award for Excellent Young Scientists (Czech Academy of Sciences)
•  2010 - The Chancellor’sAward for Outstanding Dissertation Thesis (Masaryk University)
•  2009 - Postdoctoral Scholarship Award (University of Western Bohemia)
•  2008 - Award Supporting the Internationalization of Doctoral Students (Masaryk University)
•  2007 - Award Supporting Outstanding Dissertation Thesis (Masaryk University)

Professional associations

•  The International Association on Workplace Bullying & Harassment (IAWBH) - Member
•  The National Contact Centre for Women and Science, Czech Academy of Sciences - Member
•  The Czech-Moravian Psychological Society (CMSP) - Member
•  Human Affairs. Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly - Editorial Board Member
•  Conference on Qualitative Approach and Methods in Human Sciences - Program Committee Member

Recent publications (selection)

Zabrodska, K., Mudrak, J., Kveton, P., Machovcova, K., Blatny, M., & Solcova, I. (in press). Satisfied but not equal: Working conditions of women and men faculty in Czech universities. In M. Vohlidalova & M. Linkova (Eds.), Gender and neoliberalism in Czech academia. Prague: SLON.

Zabrodska, K., Ellwood, C., Zaeemdar, S., & Mudrak, J. (2016). Workplace bullying as sensemaking: An analysis of target and actor perspectives on initial hostile interactions. Culture and Organization, 22, 136-157.

Machovcová, K., & Zábrodská, K. (2016). Vedení akademických pracovníků: teoretické přístupy a aktuální problémy. Československá psychologie, 60 (2), 137-152.

Zabrodska, K. & Kveton, P. (2015). The Czech Republic: Workplace abuse in a post-transitional country. In M. Omari, & M. Paull (Eds.), Workplace Abuse, Incivility and Bullying: Methodological and Cultural Perspectives. London: Routledge (pp. 124-142).

Mudrak, J., & Zabrodska, K. (2015). Childhood giftedness, adolescent agency: A systemic multiple-case study. Gifted Child Quarterly, 59, 1, 55-70.

Zábrodská, K., Mudrák, J., Květon, P., Blatný, M., Machovcová, K., & Šolcová, I., (2014). Work environment and well-being of academic faculty in Czech universities. Studia Paedagogica, 19, 4, 121-144.

Zabrodska, K. (2014). Between femininity and feminism: Negotiating the identity of a 'Czech socialist woman' in women's accounts of state socialism. In H. Havelkova & L. Oates-Indruchova (Eds.), The Politics of Gender Culture under State Socialism: An Expropriated Voice. London: Routledge (pp. 109-132).

Janošová, P., Kollerová, L., Zábrodská, K. (2014). Školní šikana v současnosti - Její definice a operacionalizace. Československá psychologie, 58, 4.

Vitková, M., &, Zábrodská, K. (2014). Coping a rezistencia voči mobbingu v kontexte paradigmatického prístupu. Československá psychologie, 58, 254-269.

Zabrodska, K., & Kveton, P. (2013). Prevalence and forms of workplace bullying among university employees. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 25, 89-108.

Zabrodska, K. & Petrjánošová, M. (2013). Metody diskurzivní analýzy [Methods of Discourse Analysis]. In I. Čermák, T. Řiháček, & R. Hytych (Eds.), Čtyři přístupy ke kvalitativní analýze [Four Approaches to Qualitative Analysis]. Brno: Masaryk University Press (pp. 105-139).

Mudrák, J., & Zábrodská, K. (2013). Lidský potenciál jako psychologický konstrukt. Československá psychologie, 57, 201-217.

Zábrodská, K., & Květon, P. (2012). Šikana na pracovišti v prostředí českých univerzit: výskyt, formy a organizační souvislosti. [Workplace bullying in Czech universities: prevalence, forms and organizational context]. Czech Sociological Review, 48, 641-668. 

Zabrodska, K., Linnell, S., Laws, C. & Davies, B. (2011). Bullying as intra-active process in neoliberal universities. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (8), 709-719.

Zábrodská, K. (2011). Mobbing ve vysokoškolském prostředí: zkušenosti ze zahraničního výzkumu [Mobbing in higher education: An overview of international research]. Czechoslovak Psychology, 55 (4), 333-345.

Zabrodska, K. & Ellwood, C. (2011). Subjectivity as a play of territorialization: Exploring affective attachments to place through collective biography. Human Affairs. Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly, 21 (2), 180-191. 

Zábrodská, K. (2010). Diskurzivní analýza v soudobé sociální psychologii: teorie, koncepty a aplikace. [Discourse analysis in contemporary social psychology: Theories, concepts, and applications]. Československá psychologie, 54 (3), 249-262. 

Davies, B. & Gannon, S. (Eds.), with Ellwood, C., Camden-Pratt, C., Zabrodska, K., & Bansel, P. (2009). Pedagogical Encounters. New York: Peter  Lang.

Zábrodská, K. (2009). Variace na gender. Poststrukturalismus, diskurzivní analýza a genderová  identita [Variations on the theme of gender. Poststructuralism, discourse analysis and gender identity]. Prague: Academia.

Selected conference presentations

Zabrodska, K., Machovcova, K., & Mudrak, J. (2015). From academic oligarchy to market exploitation? Destructive organizational cultures in transforming higher education. 1st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Communication in Professional Contexts. Allborg, Denmark.

Machovcova, K., Zabrodska, K., & Mudrak, J. (2015). Leadership and well-being among academic staff in Czech universities. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Conference, Oslo, Norway.

Zabrodska, K., Ellwood, C., Zeamdaar, S., & Mudrak, J. (2014). Workplace bullying as sensemaking: An analysis of target and actor perspectives on initial hostile interactions. The 9th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, 17.-20.6.2014, Milan, Italy.

Zabrodska, K., & Machovcova, K. (2012). Working under a dream boss? An intersectional analysis of the gendered nature of workplace bullying. Gender, Work and Organization 7th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, Keele, UK.

Zabrodska, K. (2012). Forms of resistance to workplace bullying. The 8th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Zabrodska, K. (2012, January). Šikana a zneužívání moci na pracovišti optikou kolektivní biografie [Bullying and abuse of power at work: A collective biography]. Kvalitatívny prístup a metódy vo vedách o človeku XI., January 23-24, 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Zabrodska, K. (2011, October). Změny pracovní dráhy v důsledku mobbingu: příběhy z vědy i odjinud [Effects of mobbing on targets' work trajectories: stories from science and elsewhere]. Životní dráhy z kvantitativní a kvalitativní perspektivy, October 20-21, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

Zabrodska, K. & Kveton, P. (2011, July). Workplace bullying in academe: Findings from universities in the Czech Republic. The 12th European Congress of Psychology, July 4-8, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.  

Zabrodska, K. (2011, May). On thin ice: Academic mobbing and strategies of resistance. Paper presented at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 17-21, 2011, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.

Zabrodska, K., Ellwood, C., Zaeemdaar, S. & Mudrak, J. (2011, May). Beyond the interview: Exploring  different perspectives and methodologies in workplace bullying research. Paper presented at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 17-21, 2011, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.

Davies, B., Zabrodska, K., Linnell, S., & Laws, C. (2011, May). Bullying as intra-active process in neoliberal universities. Paper presented at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 17-21, 2011, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.

Zábrodská, K. (2010, July). Agency and resistance to change in Czech popular discourse: Examples from research on gender identity and gender-related bullying. Paper presented at the Psychology of Women Section Annual Conference 2010, BPS, Windsor, UK.

Zábrodská, K. (2010, January). Diskurzy, pozice, ideologie: utváření genderových identit v rozhovoru [Discourses, subject positions, and practical ideologies: Constructing gender identities in talk]. Paper presented at the Conference on Qualitative Approach and Methods in Human Sciences, Brno, CR.
Ellwood, C. & Zábrodská, K. (2009, May). Desires for the other place. Paper presented at The Fifth Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.

Zábrodská, K. (2009, February). Captives of gender determinism? Poststructural discourse analysis as an analytical and transformative practice. Paper presented at the Feminist Research Methods Conference, Stockholm University, Sweden.