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Development of medical genetics in Czechoslovakia after 1945

Medical genetics was established in Czechoslovakia as an independent scientific field shortly after the WWII. Until early 1950s, medical genetics in Czechoslovakia continued in the tradition of reformist eugenic efforts of the second half of the 1930s. After the 1948 Communist takeover, however, classical genetics was gradually suppressed and forcefully replaced by Lysenkoism and Michurinian biology. This development significantly affected also on the situation in medicine. This state of affairs remained largely unchanged until the beginning of the 1960s.

Progressive development started, when especially the reception of the then latest discoveries made the time official doctrine of Lysenkoism obsolete. The final turning point was the Centenary International Mendel Symposium hold in Brno in 1965. A number of institutions, mostly related with paediatrician care, were created which focused on genetic counselling and prenatal care (Prague, Brno), on basic research in the area of immunogenetics and mutagenesis (Prague), and, somewhat later, also cytogenetics (Prague), which was originally covered by endocrinology. Faculties of medicine in Prague and Brno and the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences played a key role in this process.

The historical project consists of the following areas: i. development of medical genetics by recording authentic testimonies, which can cover the generations reaching now their 80s and 70s, ii. establishment of an independent documentary collection, which gathers materials and images which would otherwise be irretrievably lost.

The collection includes also approximately 400 items (books) incl. offprints and some rare issues (see Library).

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