pracoviště: Oddělení archeologie krajiny a archeobiologie
pracovní zařazení: antropolog
telefon: 257 014 304
specializace: Výzkum a vývoj v historické antropologii a biologické antropologii pravěku

GA13-37998S Genetické otisky potravně produkčních systémů u lidských populací
ME 917 Počátky šíření člověka z Afriky – hledání genetických stop pozdně pleistocénní migrace skrze Arabský poloostrov
GA206/08/1587 Migrace infiltracemi a jejich vliv na genetickou strukturu – modelová situace kočovných versus usedlých populací afrického Sahelu
GA404/03/0318 Areální přístup v archeogenetice a lingvistice: populační a jazyková struktura Čadské pánve
- Paleodemografie a paleoepidemiologie historických populací střední a západní Evropy
IAB9002001 Raně středověká pohřebiště v Žatci z hlediska úmrtnosti a zdravotního stavu
GA404/99/D023 Vztah sociální organizace a biologické variability u populace Fali v severním Kamerunu

Zabývá se problematikou základního výzkumu a vývoje v biologické antropologii pravěku, zejména v oblasti archeogenetiky a ekologie člověka. Spolupracuje s řadou domácích i zahraničních pracovišť na projektech týkajících se evoluce člověka v Africe a jeho šíření do Eurasie. Sleduje také vliv subsistenčních strategií na genetický profil lidských populací.

Vybrané publikace:

Černý V, Kulichová I. Poloni E. S., Nunes J. M., Pereira L., Mayor A. Sanchez-Mazas A. 2018. Genetic history of the African Sahelian populations. HLA: 1–14.

Sanchez-Mazas A, Černý V, Di D, Buhler S, Podgorná E, Chevallier E, Brunet L, Weber S, Kervaire B, Testi M, Andreani M, Tiercy JM, Villard J, Nunes JM. 2017. The HLA-B landscape of Africa: Signatures of pathogen-driven selection and molecular identification of candidate alleles to malaria protection. Molecular Ecology 26(22):6238-6252.

Kulichová I, Fernandes V, Deme A, Nováčková J, Stenzl V, Novelletto A, Pereira L, Černý V. 2017. Internal diversification of non-Sub-Saharan haplogroups in Sahelian populations and the spread of pastoralism beyond the Sahara. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164(2):424-434.

Priehodová E, Austerlitz F, Čížková M, Mokhtar MG, Poloni ES, Černý V. 2017. The historical spread of Arabian Pastoralists to the eastern African Sahel evidenced by the lactase persistence -13,915*G allele and mitochondrial DNA. American Journal of Human Biology 29(3).

Sahakyan H, Hooshiar Kashani B, Tamang R, Kushniarevich A, Francis A, Costa MD, Pathak AK, Khachatryan Z, Sharma I, van Oven M, Parik J, Hovhannisyan H, Metspalu E, Pennarun E, Karmin M, Tamm E, Tambets K, Bahmanimehr A, Reisberg T, Reidla M, Achilli A, Olivieri A, Gandini F, Perego UA, Al-Zahery N, Houshmand M, Sanati MH, Soares P, Rai E, Šarac J, Šarić T, Sharma V, Pereira L, Fernandes V, Černý V, Farjadian S, Singh DP, Azakli H, Üstek D, Ekomasova Trofimova N, Kutuev I, Litvinov S, Bermisheva M, Khusnutdinova EK, Rai N, Singh M, Singh VK, Reddy AG, Tolk HV, Cvjetan S, Lauc LB, Rudan P, Michalodimitrakis EN, Anagnou NP, Pappa KI, Golubenko MV, Orekhov V, Borinskaya SA, Kaldma K, Schauer MA, Simionescu M, Gusar V, Grechanina E, Govindaraj P, Voevoda M, Damba L, Sharma S, Singh L, Semino O, Behar DM, Yepiskoposyan L, Richards MB, Metspalu M, Kivisild T, Thangaraj K, Endicott P, Chaubey G, Torroni A, Villems R. 2017. Origin and spread of human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U7. Scientific Reports 7:46044.

Čížková M, Hofmanová Z, Mokhtar MG, Janoušek V, Diallo I, Munclinger P, Černý V. 2017. Alu insertion polymorphisms in the African Sahel and the origin of Fulani pastoralists. Annals of Human Biology 44(6):537-545.

Cerezo M, Gusmão L, Černý V, Uddin N, Syndercombe-Court D, Gómez-Carballa A, Göbel T, Schneider PM, Salas A. 2016. Comprehensive Analysis of Pan-African Mitochondrial DNA Variation Provides New Insights into Continental Variation and Demography. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 43:133–143.

Černý V, Čížková M, Poloni ES, Al-Meeri A., Mulligan CJ. 2016. Comprehensive view of the population history of Arabia as inferred by mtDNA variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159(4):607-16.;jsessionid=FAC35F7DDCC73BAC6441EFF5CA7A94B5.f04t03

Černý V. 2016. Po stopách ʿÁdů. Jižní Arábie v čase a prostoru. Praha, Academia.

Černý V. Hájek M. 2016. Evropa, migrace a utváření identit (aneb staré víno v nových lahvích). Živa 64(1): 2-3.

Triska P, Soares P, Patin E, Fernandes V, Černý V, Pereira L. 2015. Extensive Admixture and Selective Pressure Across the Sahel Belt. Genome Biology and Evolution 7(12):3484-95.

Podgorná E, Diallo I, Vangenot C, Sanchez-Mazas A, Sabbagh A, Černý V, Poloni ES. 2015. Variation in NAT2 acetylation phenotypes is associated with differences in food‐producing subsistence modes and ecoregions in Africa. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:263.

Nováčková J, Dreslerová D, Černý V, Poloni ES. 2015. The place of Slovakian paternal diversity in the clinal European landscape. Ann Hum Biol 42(6): 511–522.

Silva M, Alshamali F, Silva P, Carrilho C, Mandlate F, Trovoada M-J, Černý V, Pereira L, Soares P. 2015. 60,000 years of interactions between Central and Eastern Africa documented by major African mitochondrial haplogroup L2. Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 12526.

Fernandes V, Triska P, Pereira JB, Alshamali F, Rito T, Machado A, Fajkošová Z, Cavadas B, Černý V, Soares P, Richards MB, Pereira L. 2015. Genetic Stratigraphy of Key Demographic Events in Arabia. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118625.

Priehodová E, Abdelsawy A, Heyer E, Černý V. 2014. Lactase persistence variants in Arabia and in African Arabs. Human Biology 86(1): 7-18.

Černý V, Pereira L 2014. Archaeogenetics of Africa and of the African hunter-gatherers. In. Cummings V, Jordan P, Zvelebil M. (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-gatherers. Oxford. Oxford University Press. Pages 1143 – 1162.

Rito T, Richards MB, Fernandes V, Alshamali F, Černý V, Pereira L, Soares P, 2013. The First Modern Human Dispersals across Africa. PLOS ONE 8 (11): e80031.

Podgorná E, Soares P, Pereira L, Černý V, 2013. The Genetic Impact of the Lake Chad Basin Population in North Africa as Documented by Mitochondrial Diversity and Internal Variation of the L3e5 Haplogroup. Annals of Human Genetics 77: 513–523.

Kujanová N, Černý V, 2013. Anthropology of El-Hayz: Morphological and Genetic Contributions to the Egyptian Western Desert Population History. In. Dospěl M, Suková L. (Ed.): Bahriya Oasis. Recent Research into the Past of an Egyptian Oasis. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts. Pp. 131–148.

Rose JI, Černý V, Bayoumi R, 2013. Tabula rasa or refugia? Using genetic data to assess the peopling of Arabia. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 24(1): 95–101.

Bučková J, Černý V, Novelletto A, 2013. Multiple and Differentiated Contributions to the Male Gene Pool of Pastoral and Farmer Populations of the African Sahel. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 151(1):10–21.

Al-Abri A, Podgorná E, Rose JI, Pereira L, Mulligan CJ, Silva NM, Bayoumi R, Soares P, Černý V. 2012. Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in Southern Arabia from the perspective of human mtDNA variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 149(2):291-8.

Soares P, Alshamali F, Pereira JB, Fernandes V, Silva NM, Afonso C, Costa MD, Musilová E, Macaulay V, Richards MB, Černý V, Pereira L. 2012. The Expansion of mtDNA Haplogroup L3 within and out of Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29(3):915-27.

Fernandes V, Alshamali F, Alves M, Costa MD, Pereira JB, Silva NM, Cherni L, Harich N, Černý V, Soares P, Richards MB, Pereira L. 2012. The Arabian Cradle: Mitochondrial Relicts of the First Steps along the Southern Route out of Africa. American Journal of Human Genetics 90(2):347-55.

Rose JI, Usik VI, Marks AE, Hilbert YH, Galletti CS, Parton A, Geiling JM, Černý V, Morley MW, Roberts RG. 2011.
The Nubian Complex of Dhofar, Oman: an African middle stone age industry in Southern Arabia. PLoS One. 2011;6(11):e28239.

Musilová E, Fernandes V, Silva NM, Soares P, Alshamali F, Harich N, Cherni L, Gaaied AB, Al-Meeri A, Pereira L, Černý V. 2011. Population history of the Red Sea – genetic exchanges between the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa signaled in the mitochondrial DNA HV1 haplogroup. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 145(4):592-8.

Černý V, Pereira L, Musilová E, Kujanová M, Vašíková A, Blasi P, Garofalo L, Soares P, Diallo I, Brdicka R, Novelletto A. 2011. Genetic structure of pastoral and farmer populations in the African Sahel. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28(9):2491-500.

Černý V, Mulligan CJ, Fernandes V, Silva NM, Alshamali F, Non A, Harich N, Cherni L, El Gaaied AB, Al-Meeri A, Pereira L. 2011. Internal diversification of mitochondrial haplogroup R0a reveals post-last glacial maximum demographic expansions in South Arabia. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28(1):71–78.

Cerezo M, Černý V, Carracedo Á, Salas A. 2011. New Insights into the Lake Chad Basin Population Structure Revealed by High-Throughput Genotyping of Mitochondrial DNA Coding SNPs. PLoS ONE 6(4) e18682.

Pereira L, Černý V, Cerezo M, Silva NM, Hájek M, Vašíková A, Kujanová M, Brdička R, Salas A. 2010. Linking the sub-Saharan and West Eurasian gene pools: maternal and paternal heritage of the Tuareg nomads from the African Sahel. European Journal of Human Genetics 18: 915–923.

Cerezo M, Černý V, Carracedo A, Salas A. 2009. Applications of MALDI-TOF MS to large-scale human mtDNA population-based studies. Electrophoresis 30: 3665-3673.

Rídl J, Edens CM, Černý V. 2009. Mitochondrial DNA structure of Yemeni population: regional differences and the implications for different migratory contributions. In: Petraglia MD & Rose JI (Eds.). The Evolution of Human Populations in Arabia. Paleoenvironments, Prehistory and Genetics. Series: Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology. Springer. Pp: 69-78.

Černý V. 2009. The physical remains of the Old Kingdom mastaba and lesser tombs owners – the sexual dimorphism of the Old Kingdom population. In: Bárta M. (Ed.): Abusir XIII: Abusir South 2: Tomb Complex of the Vizier Qar, His Sons Qar Junior and Senedjemib and Iykai. Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. Pp. 279-294.

Kujanová M, Pereira L, Fernandes V, Pereira JB, Černý V. 2009. Near Eastern Neolithic Genetic Input in a Small Oasis of the Egyptian Western Desert. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 140:336–346.

Černý V, Fernandes V, Costa MD, Hájek M, Mulligan CJ, Pereira L. 2009. Migration of Chadic speaking pastoralists within Africa based on population structure of Chad Basin and phylogeography of mitochondrial L3f haplogroup. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2009, 9:63.

Černý V, Pereira L, Kujanová M, Vašíková A, Hájek M, Morris M, Mulligan CJ. 2009. Out of Arabia – The settlement of Island Soqotra as revealed by mitochondrial and Y chromosome genetic diversity. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138:439–447.

Černý V, Kujanová M, Strouhal E. 2008. Anthropological material. In: Krejčí J., Callender VG, Verner M. Abusir XII. Minor Tombs in the Royal Necropolis I (The Mastabas of Nebtyemneferes and Nakhtsare, Pyramid Complex Lepsius no. 24 and Tomb Complex Lepsius no. 25). Prague, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.

Hájek M, Černý V, Brůžek J. 2008. Mitochondrial DNA and craniofacial co-variability of Chad Basin females indicate past population events. American Journal of Human Biology 20, 465-74.

Černý V, Mulligan CJ, Rídl J, Žaloudková M, Edens Ch, Hájek M, Pereira L. 2008. Regional differences in the distribution of the Sub-Saharan, West Eurasian and South Asian mtDNA lineages in Yemen. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 136, 128–137.

Černý V, Salas A, Hájek M, Žaloudková M, Brdička R. 2007. A Bidirectional Corridor in the Sahel-Sudan Belt and the Distinctive Features of the Chad Basin Populations: A History Revealed by the Mitochondrial DNA Genome. Annals of Human Genetics 71, 433–452.

Černý V, Hájek M, Čmejla R, Brůžek J, Žáková D, Bromová M Brdička R. 2006. Molecular genetics relationships of Chadic populations from Northern Cameroon in peri-Saharan area. In : Caron B. & Zima P. (Eds.). Sprachbund in the West African Sahel Collection Afrique et Langage 11. PEETERS PRESS, Louvain-Paris. Str. 67-92.

Černý V, Hájek M, Bromová M, Čmejla R, Diallo I, Brdička R. 2006: mtDNA of Fulani Nomads and Their Genetic Relationships to Neighboring Sedentary Populations. Human Biology 78, 9-27.

Černý V, Hájek M, Čmejla R, Brůžek J, Brdička R. 2004: mtDNA Sequences of Chadic speakig populations from the northern Cameroon suggest their affinities with eastern Africa. Annals of Human Biology 31(5) : 554-569.

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