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CFP: The Politics of Plasticity

On Solidarity and Mutual Aid with Catherine Malabou
February 23rd and 24th, 2018 - Prague, Institute of Philosophy
We invite all scholars in philosophy and related fields of research who are interested in the topic of the conference to submit their abstracts relevant to the problems of solidarity, mutual aid and cooperation. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and must be received via email by January 22, 2018. For more information see HERE.

CFP Eirene. Studia graeca et latina, 54, 2018

Eirene. Studia graeca et latina, 54, 2018
We take the liberty to invite you to contribute to the journal's 54th volume which is to be published at the end of the year 2018. The deadline for submitting a paper is the end of June 2018 and the journal accepts submissions in English, German, French and Italian. More details HERE.

CFP Hans Jonas: dílo a osobnost

Konference, Praha, Akademické konferenční centrum, 12.—13. prosince 2017
Pořádá Filosofický ústav AV ČR ve spolupráci s Filozofickou fakultou PU v Prešově. Přihlášku s abstraktem v rozsahu 80-150 slov posílejte do konce září na adresy:wendy.drozenova@seznam.czTato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.  a solcova@flu.cas.czTato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. . Více informací ZDE.

CFP The nature of the normative - ontology, semantics, logic

Workshop, Prague, Villa Lanna, October 16–17, 2017
A limited number of contributed papers on the workshop's topic will be accepted for presentation. If you are interested to participate at the workshop please send an abstract (500-1000 words) by September 10, 2017 to the address: svobodav@flu.cas.czTato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. . For more information see HERE.

CFP Towards a Phenomenology of Social Change

Conference, Prague, Institute of Philosophy, November 1–2, 2017
The phenomenology of sociality that currently attracts growing attention focuses on a systematic evaluation of the phenomenological approach to the area of social relations and interactions. We invite all scholars interested in social change to submit abstracts on any topic relevant to the theme of conference. Abstract should not exceed 500 words and must be received via email by July 31, 2017. For more information see HERE.

CFP Rhetoric and Genres of Learned Communication in Early Modern Central Europe

Workshop, Prague, Institute of Philosophy, October 19–20, 2017
The main goal of the workshop is to cast fresh light on learned communication in Central Europe in the period from the 1550s to 1700 and to discuss how this was related to intellectual life in other European regions. Abstract must be sent by July 10, 2017. For more information see HERE.

CFP Caring Democracy: Current Topics in the Political Theory of Care

Conference, Prague, Institute of Philosophy, November 23–24, 2017
Keynote Speaker: Joan Tronto (University of Minnesota, USA)
The aim of the conference is to elaborate on Tronto's invitation to rethink the very substance of democracy from the care perspective. Abstract should not exceed 300 words and must be sent by email by July 31, 2017. For more information see HERE.

CFP Galen’s Epistemology

Conference, Prague, Vila Lanna, October 19-21, 2017
Speakers will be selected on the basis of a written proposal. This should include: short description of the applicant's research interests; description of the proposed topic and an outline of the thesis/query to be discussed; a preliminary list of passages on which the presentation will be based. Please submit your proposal by March 4, 2017. For more information see HERE.

CFP Slovensko-české sympozium o analytické filosofii

XX. Slovensko-české sympozium o analytické filosofii
Praha, Vila Lanna, 14.-16. září 2016
Oddělení logiky Filosofického ústavu AV ČR vás srdečně zve na jubilejní XX. Slovensko-české sympozium o analytické filosofii. Termín pro přihlašování příspěvků je 15. května 2016. Více informací na http://web.flu.cas.cz/scs/

CFP Aristotelés a příčiny

AKC, Husova 4a, Praha 1, 6. května 2016
Česká společnost pro studium Aristotela a jeho myšlenkového odkazu ve spolupráci s Oddělením pro studium antického a středověkého myšlení Filosofického ústavu AV ČR vás zve k účasti na již tradičním kolokviu s diskusním tématem Aristotelés a příčiny. Více informací ZDE.