A seminar within the AV21 Strategy called Light in the service of society was held at the Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Czech Academy of Sciences on December 4, 2017. Its aim was to present the results of the industrial-oriented research of the Institute.
Newly developed devices such as Fiber Optic pH Meters, Optical Biosensors, 2000nm Fiber Noise Source, Power Thoule Fiber Laser, or Laser Absorption Spectrometer were presented to industry delegates within the framework of Population Safety and Critical Infrastructure, Health and Life Protection project.
The industrial public at the meeting was represented by the heads of medium and small companies of the domestic photon industry, which are traditional partners of applied research at the Institute of Photonics and Electronics (SQS fiber optics, Optokon, Safibra) as well as new potential partners in the field of industry and commerce. Initiatives that emerged from this joint meeting will serve both sides for the further development of applied and contracted research.