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Fukushima I - seven years after

Thursday, 24.05.2018 14:00

Speakers: Dr. Vladimír Wagner (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the CAS)
Place: Lecture Hall of the Institute of Physics, Pod Vodárenskou věží 1, Prague 8
Presented in English
Organisers: Division of Elementary Particle Physics

Seven years after the second worst accident of nuclear power plant following the tsunami and the Great Tohoku earthquake, the important breakthrough started in reconstruction and revitalization of decontaminated areas. The crucial steps to preparation of destroyed power station decommissioning were done during last two years. Robots studied situation inside all three containments of destroyed reactors. Spent fuel pool of the third block is ready for fuel assembly removal. The Japanese nuclear power slowly re-enter commercial operation also. The ninth reactor began supplying electricity to the grid at present. We will discuss present situation, future steps of reconstruction and decommissioning works and influence of disaster on Japanese and world usage of nuclear power.

Announcement in the PDF format: PDF