Completed project

Support for international cooperation in mentoring: networking and research

Project duration: 
2014 - 2017

Building on a mentoring project for secondary school female students focused on de-stereotyping fields of research, carried out by the National Contact Centre for Women and Science since 2009, the goal of the present project is to create a mentoring scheme for early-career women researchers (PhD, postdoc). Development of a mentoring programme will allow the Centre to become a full member of the European network of mentoring programmes for women researchers eument-net, thus contributing to the development of international cooperation in research. Furthermore, a research will be carried out into the situation of, and the impact of the mentoring programme on career development of, early-career women researchers in the Czech Republic. Thus, the Centre will be able to actively enter international debates on the impact and efficiency of mentoring programmes for women. Thus, the project will contribute to de-stereotyping fields of research and enhancing gender equality in European and Czech research.

sociology of science
Grant agency: 
Government ministry project

Project publications (total 2, displaying 1 - 2)

Kateřina Cidlinská, Martina Fucimanová.

Publikace se zaměřuje na vliv formálního mentoringového vedení na rozjezd pracovních drah začínajících vědkyň a vědců v doktorandské a postdoktorské fázi akademické dráhy. Prostřednictvím rozhovorů s absolventkami a absolventem mentoringového programu Národního kontaktního centra – gender a věda Sociologického ústavu Akademie věd CR přináší publikace vhled do situace začínajících výzkumnic a výzkumníků v ČR působících v rozmanitých oborech na různých typech institucí.

National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Type of publication:
Kateřina Cidlinská, Martina Fucimanová.

The publication focuses on the impact of formal mentoring on the start of professional paths of early career researchers at doctoral and postdoctoral stages. The book of interviews with alumni of the mentoring programme of the Centre for Gender and Science at the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, gives an insight into the situation of early career researchers in the Czech Republic working and studying in various disciplines and various types of institutions.

National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Type of publication: