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Found 258 projects (displayed results 41 - 60)
The project is conceived as an interdisciplinary theoretical research on the border between philosophy and sociology with implications for the economic theory of action. Key objectives of the project are: a) analysing and linking up theories of...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2015 - 2017
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
The aim of the project is to develop an intersectional approach to the study of social inequalities in Czech sociology. Intersectionality, as a theoretical framework and analytical tool to understand inequalities in society, will be used to map the...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2015 - 2017
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
The project examines the changing understanding of the responsibility for care and the impact this has on the current configurations of elderly care in the Czech Republic. It aims to analyse the forms and implications of monetary transfers at the...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2015 - 2017
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Obecným cílem projektu je získat aktuální informace o stavu sociálního podnikání v Pardubickém kraji, jeho možných perspektivách a možnostech podpory ze strany územní samosprávy a státu. Sociální podniky, resp. subjekty sociálního podnikání, jsou...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
Grant agency:
Program podpory perspektivních lidských zdrojů AV ČR.
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2015 - 2016
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
The project addresses the issue of social disadvantage of inhabitants of peripheral rural regions.Social disadvantage usually entails a spatial component. The spatial concentration of social disadvantage, exclusion and deprivation and the socio-spatial...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2015 - 2017
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
The project is concerned with the integrations of, and conflicts and passages between biomedicine and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Drawing upon medical anthropology, science and technology studies and the sociology of medicine, we...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2015 - 2017
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
The project focuses on the time and space of homeless persons in relation to conditions of a post-socialistic city. Its goal is to describe characteristics, life and time-space paths and everyday life of homeless people in the context of two Czech cities...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2015 - 2017
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Tým Sociologického ústavu poskytuje v rámci FRAnetu expertízu pro Agenturu Evropské unie pro základní práva (FRA).Tým Sociologického ústavu pracuje ve složení: Tereza Stöckelová (řešitelka, v pozici senior expert), Edit Szénássy, Luca Otáhal, Hana...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2018
Grant agency:
Quantification of lifelong economic impacts of motherhood on women and identification of their causes will lead to revision of relevant public policies and employer practices. Recommendations will be targeted at decision-makers and the public with the...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2016
Grant agency:
International project
Project reacts to discrimination of women in their access to decision-making and to inadequate reflection of their needs (gender mainstreaming). The project will explore link between both problems. The aim of the  project is a system change based on...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2016
Grant agency:
International project
Cílem projektu je zlepšit prosazování rovných šancí pro ženy a muže v institucionální rovině, na trhu práce, v rodině i ve společnosti. Aktivity institutu se zaměřují primárně na zřízení a fungování Expertní genderové komory ČR. Cílů má být dosažen...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2016
Grant agency:
The goal of the project is to contribute to the enhancement of women participation to economic decision making positions in 6 different EU countries and at the European level. In this view the project has set out to attain the following specific...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2016
Grant agency:
International project
Building on a mentoring project for secondary school female students focused on de-stereotyping fields of research, carried out by the National Contact Centre for Women and Science since 2009, the goal of the present project is to create a mentoring...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2017
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
The "structural change" component of the project aims to implement cultural and institutional change at the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (ICT).  The ICT is a higher education institution with a highly developed international...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2017
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
The aim of the project is to develop and systemize empirical findings and create applicable results that in the form of practical principles and procedures of social communication and participative decision-making will contribute to non-conflict...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2015
Grant agency:
Technology agency of the Czech republic
Around the world there are various branches of socio-economic research that make work and jobs their focus object of study. This interest has been heightened by the current economic recession, which has increased the risk of unemployment and raises...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2016
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Project summary:This project will examine the Dynamics of Change in Czech Society using a household panel survey research design. Applying insights from sociology, economics and politics this study will examine five themes: Family life, time use and...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2018
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
TRIGGER has been designed with the general aim of consolidating the many and valuable results of the process initiated by the EC since more than ten years now in the domain of gender and science, and contributing to take this same process one step...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2017
Grant agency:
International project
AnotationThe project is focused on the analysis of changes in the quality of working life, and on the implementation of an already developed methodology of its continuous observation. Outputs: 1. A publication analyzing the state and trends in perception...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2015
Grant agency:
Technology agency of the Czech republic
