Tue May 22 15:14:56 CEST 2018
Are women more nurturing than men? Are men more promiscuous than women?
Did Charles Darwin really believe that females are inferior? Why are humans and killer whales among the few mammals that undergo the menopause? ...
Fri May 18 12:37:09 CEST 2018
We are currently seeking student research assistants to help with site selection, field sampling, greenhouse bioassays, earthworm surveys and small laboratory analyses. ...
Fri May 11 16:04:31 CEST 2018
52 scientific academies & academic institutions have signed up to support an ambitious and close future partnership between the UK and Europe. Among them is the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Thu Jan 25 16:07:00 CET 2018
Think-tank IDEA CERGE-EI introduced new web tool that offers interactive comparison of selected countries’ academic publication output in terms of the quantity of articles and their influence, inferred from the academic influence level of the ...
Thu Mar 08 08:43:26 CET 2018
The Academies of Sciences, as representatives of the academia communities in the Visegrad Group (V4) countries, are committed to increasing their participation in the EU framework programmes for research, development and innovation, and ...
Fri Jan 05 14:45:11 CET 2018
Laboratory of Environmental microbiology (Institute of Soil Biology Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences in České Budějovice) has three available master thesis projects. Start: February 2018 (or upon agreement)
Czech Academy of Sciences
ID: 60165171
Narodni 3
117 20 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 221 403 111
Fax: +420 224 240 512
E-mail: info@cas.cz

Celebrate Czech and Slovak Century
In 2018 we will celebrate a jubilee anniversary, which is a good reason for big celebrations. Let us therefore recall the events that have accompanied us throughout the century. Let us be inspired by the people who have moved us forward thanks to their thinking. Let us celebrate our 100 years together!