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Testing Topological Protection of Edge States in Hexagonal Quantum Spin Hall Candidate Materials

Pondělí, 16.04.2018 11:00

Přednášející: Benedikt Scharf (Universität Würzburg)
Místo: Zasedací místnost budovy A (vedle knihovny) Fyzikálního ústavu AVČR, Cukrovarnická 10, Praha 6
Jazyk: English
Pořadatelé: Oddělení spintroniky a nanoelektroniky

Due to their large bulk band gap, bismuthene, antimonene, and arsenene on a SiC substrate offer intriguing new opportunities for room-temperature quantum spin Hall (QSH) applications. Although edge states have been observed in the local density of states (LDOS) of bismuthene/SiC, there has been no experimental evidence until now that they are spin-polarized and topologically protected. Here, we show that for experimentally relevant armchair nanoribbons, we find a distinct behavior of the gap induced in the QSH edge states for out-of-plane magnetic fields (a few meV) versus in-plane magnetic fields (negligible gap) which is the hallmark of their topological origin. Further, we predict experimentally testable fingerprints of this behavior in the LDOS and in ballistic magnetotransport. While we focus on bismuthene/SiC, our main findings are also applicable to other honeycomb-based QSH systems.