Raats, D., Frenkel, Z., Krugman, T., Dodek, I., Sela, H., Šimková, H., Magni, F., Cattonaro, F., Vautrin, S., Bergès, H., Wicker, T., Keller, B., Leroy, P., Philippe, R., Paux, E., Doležel, J., Feuillet, C., Korol, A., Fahima, T.
Background: The wheat genome sequence is an essential tool for advanced genomic research and improvements.
The generation of a high-quality wheat genome sequence is challenging due to its complex 17 Gb polyploid
genome. To overcome these difficulties, sequencing through the construction of BAC-based physical maps of
individual chromosomes is employed by the wheat genomics community. Here, we present the construction of
the first comprehensive physical map of chromosome 1BS, and illustrate its unique gene space organization
and evolution.
Results: Fingerprinted BAC clones were assembled into 57 long scaffolds, anchored and ordered with 2,438
markers, covering 83% of chromosome 1BS. The BAC-based chromosome 1BS physical map and gene order of the
orthologous regions of model grass species were consistent, providing strong support for the reliability of the
chromosome 1BS assembly. The gene space for chromosome 1BS spans the entire length of the chromosome arm,
with 76% of the genes organized in small gene islands, accompanied by a two-fold increase in gene density from
the centromere to the telomere.
Conclusions: This study provides new evidence on common and chromosome-specific features in the organization
and evolution of the wheat genome, including a non-uniform distribution of gene density along the centromeretelomere
axis, abundance of non-syntenic genes, the degree of colinearity with other grass genomes and a
non-uniform size expansion along the centromere-telomere axis compared with other model cereal genomes.
The high-quality physical map constructed in this study provides a solid basis for the assembly of a reference
sequence of chromosome 1BS and for breeding applications.
Fulltext: contact IEB authors
IEB authors: Jaroslav Doležel,
Hana Šimková