Press releases

Press releases ISI CAS, v.v.i. PDF file size
26. 4. 2018 - New detector for EREM 110 kB
9. 5. 2018 - Exhibition Meopta 50 kB
8. 1. 2018 - Ice Flowers Reversal of the Hypothesis 150 kB
6. 12. 2017 - Article in Nature Photonics 120 kB
21. 11. 2017 - Invitation to open the exhibition "KUK, Nástroje poznání"
120 kB
25. 9. 2017 - The award for the Group of Medicine signals
140 kB
12. 2. 2017 - Celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the ISI CAS (in Czech)
140 kB
10. 2. 2017 - Werner von Siemense Prize - Best Diploma Thesis (in Czech) 120 kB
8. 2. 2017 - The award "BRNO PHD TALENT 2016" (in Czech) 100 kB
31. 10. 2016 - Open Days at ISI CAS, vv.i. (in Czech) 130 kB
17. 10. 2016 - Cooperation of Czech Heads (in Czech) 130 kB
29. 7. 2016 - 1st place in the Computing in Cardiology / Physionet Challenge 2015 competition (in Czech) 210 kB
29. 6. 2016 - Japan recognized Brno scientists (in Czech) 210 kB
8. 3. 2016 - Exhibition Nanormal World (in Czech) 130 kB
5. 2. 2016 - Grant in the FEI and CSMS Scholarship Competition (in Czech) 150 kB
18. 12. 2016 -1st and 2nd place in Computing in Cardiology / Physionet Challenge (in Czech) 250 kB