More than a quarter of the population consider women to be definitely disadvantaged on the job market. Only one fifth of the Czech population think that there is no difference between the position of men and women on the job market. Both men and women think that the following groups are mainly disadvantaged: mothers of pre-school children, older women, women after maternity leave, people with a low level of education, physically handicapped people, and single mothers.

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The amended Employment Code extended the ability to take paternity leave from a lone father caring for a child to all men irrespective their marital status. This amendment made men and women formally equal in respect to the care for a child from birth to the age of three. Despite this, there was only a very small percentage of respondents (11%) who in the April CPOR census that stated that they new a man who was currently on paternity leave.

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69% of inhabitants assessed the standard of living of their household as being good, whilst 29% assesses it as being bad. Materialistic life conditions of their households are considered to be good by 35% of respondents, neither good nor bad by 45%, and bad by 19%. The perception of the standard of living and materialistic living conditions is improving with increasing income and increasing level of education of the respondent.

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At the beginning of 2003, 61% of respondents considered the standard of living of their household to be good, 36% thought the opposite. 39% of Czechs consider their household to be poor. Difficulties with managing the current income were admitted by 61% of respondents, 35% on the other hand state that they managed the budget more or less easily. 28% of respondents got into a very difficult financial situation last year, whilst for 66% this was not the case.

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Critical views on the current economic situation of the state prevail in all three countries. The lowest level of dissatisfaction was detected in Hungary (31% bad), and the highest in Poland (64% bad). The opinion of the Czech public is between these two - 7% of respondents consider the position of the CR to be good, 49% to be bad, 43% as neither good nor bad. As far as prospects of the economic development are concerned, Czech people are the most sceptical.

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In the case of losing a job, people would usually look for a new one, usually a specific job that would correspond to their idea of a new job defined in advance (53%). Approximately two fifths of respondents (42%) on the other stated that they would look for any job in this situation and the remaining 5% answered that they did not know. 76% said that they would be willing to undergo re-training if this was a condition necessary to acquire new employment, 71% said they would be willing to work overtime, 69% would agree to a higher work pace, 55% to a transfer to less qualified work, 48% to work at weekends, 41% would agree to shorter working hours, 37% to night shifts, 36% to worse pay, 25% to worse working conditions, 21% to a longer daily commuting time, and 13% to the need to move.

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39% of people who could lose a job in the next two years are concerned about this possibility. 47% of respondents, who are also concerned about possible unemployment, on the other hand stated that they were not worried about losing a job. In the case of losing a job, people would mostly try to get a new one, usually a specific job that would correspond to their idea of a new job defined in advance (53%).

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27% of respondents believe that most unemployed do not work because they do not want to work, 49% believe that those who cannot find a corresponding or suitable job prevail amongst the unemployed, and 18% believe that the main reason for unemployment is that the unemployed cannot find any job at all. Czech citizens are mostly convinced that both, to find employment in the region in which they live and also to find a job in their specialist field irrespective of a region is difficult.

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Approximately two thirds of (66%) of inhabitants older than fifteen consider unemployment in the CR to be too high, approximately one quarter (27%) consider it to be adequate. 56% of respondents presume that in the next two years there will be a small increase in unemployment, 29% of respondents stated that the unemployment levels in the next two years would not change considerably and only 2% contemplate its decrease in the next two years.

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In the survey from the end of November and beginning of December 2002, more than two thirds (68%) of respondents describe the standard of living of their household as being good, contrary to this 31% describe it as being bad. In comparison to 2002, this is the most positive recorded result which, however, is not surprising, because the period of the end of November and beginning of December, or more precisely the beginning of December, is the time of year when the subjective evaluations provided by respondents is the best when compared to the long-term cross-section.

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