Laboratory of Virology
Study of molecular properties of plant viruses by immunological and molecular biological methods, expression of heterologous proteins in plants
head of the laboratoryscientist
- Mgr. Tomáš Moravec PhD
senior scientist
- Doc. RNDr. Noemi Čeřovská CSc.
- Mgr. Hana Hoffmeisterová Ph.D.
- Dr.rer.nat.Ing. Helena Plchová
scientific assistant
- RNDr. Oldřich Navrátil CSc.
graduated technical assistant
Research projects
Research projects:
Number of grants/projects: 5
- Impact of humanised glycosylation pathway on protein accumulation and traficking in plant seeds , GA ČR , Tomáš Moravec
- Impact of different topology of heterologous antigenic determinants in PVX-based plant viral vector on their expression level and immunogenicity , GA ČR , Noemi Čeřovská
- Biosafe plant virus expression system for transient production of human papillomavirus oncoproteins and their use for therapeutic vaccine development , GA ČR , Noemi Čeřovská
- Variability of Potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV), improved reliability of its detection and utilization of transgenic resistance , MZE NAZV , Tomáš Moravec
- Genomics and proteomics in plant breeding , MŠMT , Noemi Čeřovská
Number of publications: 49
- ONCOLOGY REPORTS 14 [4] 1045-1053 2005 Fulltext: public PDF link
- PHOTOSYNTHETICA 43 509-517 2005
- PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 41 128-135 2005 Fulltext: public PDF link
- PLANT CELL, TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE 79 [2] 147-152 2004 Fulltext: public PDF link
- VIRUS GENES 29 [2] 249-255 2004 Fulltext: public PDF link
- ACTA VIROLOGICA 47 [1] 37-40 2003
- JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 151 [4] 195-200 2003 Fulltext: public PDF link
- JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS 109 [1] 63-68 2003 Fulltext: public PDF link
- PHOTOSYNTHETICA 41 [3] 357-363 2003 Fulltext: public PDF link