In April survey CVVM interogated respondents with question„ Tell us, please, which of following institutions and areas of public life are mostly affected by corruption ?“ Mark it as at school, 1 means no corruption, 5 means high corruption.

Political Parties were supposed to be heavily affected by corruption, they were evaluated with mark 4 on average. Areas ,that were evaluated quite favourably - on average under mark 3, were Army (2,90), masmedia (2,81), system of education (2,61).

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In CVVM survey more than two thirds of czech citizens spoke up for existence of Death penalty, while only a quarter of citizens (27%) is against it. Most pensioners and people who do not confess any religion or church, skilled workpeople, ČSSD and KSČM followers support existence of Death penalty. The existence of Denalty penalty is less supported by students, university graduetes, churchpeople,ODS or KDU-ČSL followers.

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March survey confirmed tolerant attitude of czech public to foeticide. 7 out of 10 citizens think that a woman has right to decide herself to end her pregnancy. Support of law about registered partnership has drop a bit since 2003.


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Respondents were shown a list of groups of people and they had to choose which group they would not want to be their neighbours. Czech citizens refused these groups of people to be their neighbours : alcoholics (87%), drug addicts (87%), people with criminal past (77%), Romanians (75%). Other groups of people were supposed to be more or less acceptable.

A third of people said, they would want to live far from homosexuals (34%), emotional unbalanced people (32%),almost a fifth of public would not want people with different colour of skin (22%), foreigners living in Czech Republic (21%) to be their neighbours and 1 out of six respondents would not want rich people to be their neighbours, the unwanted people are also rich people (17%),politicians (16%).

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In March almost two thirds of respondents are satisfied with living conditions close to their home.A quarter of respondents is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. A tenth of czech population over 15 years are dissatisfied with it. More than three quarters of respondents are satisfied with installation of service gas pipes, electric connection, water service pipe and sewerage in their homes. People are also satisfied with waste disposal, environment close to their home.

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Czech respondents are convinced of probably or definitely bad relationships among people in Czech Republic,public opinion about bad relationships(53%) prevails opinions about good relationships(43%). People with good standart of living evaluate relationships among people more positively. People under 30 years consider relationships among people are better, older people are more critical. Age differencies are related to marital status of respondent.

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Almost three quarters of citizens have some kinds of worries. Czech citizens are mostly worried about losing their job. More than a third out of those who have some kinds of worries are worried about their job.A quarter of respondents are worried about their health and they are afraid of being ill. Major part of respondents fear of losing their standart of living, shortage of money and poverty.

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In February survey CVVM was interested in relationships of public to other nations and nationalities.In survey there were probed relationships of Czech to nationalities living in this country and attitudes of czech citizens to nationalities in general. Respondents marked their relationship to separeted nations and nationalities by mark 1 – 7, very sympathetic nation. 7- very non-sympathetic. From the nationalities living in this country, we have the best relations with citizens of the Czech nationality and Slovaks.

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Only 3 % of citizens addressed in February survey, think that everybody should have the possibility to come to the Czech Republic and live there . Almost three quarters share opposite opinion.Foreigners living in the Czech epublic should adapt to our living habits as much as possible, which is opinion of almost 60 % of respondents.Foreigners should adopt to local living habits partially, that is opinion of a third of respondents.

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In October 2004 some addressed citizens had to judge how are some kinds of behaviour acceptable and non-acceptable. Most of the monitored kinds of behaviour was more or less acceptable for respondents. The only statement that could be called acceptable was protection of private property though the thief could be injured or killed.


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