On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of physical research on the large infrastructure PALS the Research Centre PALS holds meetings of management committees of the Consortium LASERLAB EUROPE-PALS and PALS10 Workshop focused not only on the results of the past decade but also on the outlook for the future.
Division of High Power Systems
Short news
Institute and media
FEEDIT.CZ, 12.5.2018.
Historicky první, mimořádně slavnostní,...
Grantová agentura ČR, 7.5.2018.
Možnost zobrazit jednotlivé...
NOVINKY.CZ, 19.4.2018.
Dvanáct nadaných středoškoláků si bude...
Prague Daily Monitor, 6.3.2018.
Czech astronomer Martin Masek...