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Past events

Seminář / Friday, 13.04.2018 14:00

Elemental 2D materials beyond graphene: Insights from computational theory

Seminář / Thursday, 12.04.2018 14:00

Symmetric Teleparallelism

Seminář / Tuesday, 10.04.2018 15:00

Colloidal particles in nanotubes

Seminář / Tuesday, 10.04.2018 14:00

The 21-cm Line

Oznámení / Friday, 06.04.2018 10:00

Den otevřených dveří center ELI Beamlines a HiLASE

Seminář / Friday, 06.04.2018 10:00

Příprava a charakterizace polovodičových vrstev WO3 a Fe2O3

Seminář / Wednesday, 04.04.2018 15:00

GHz-THz-MIR Sources and Nonlinearities

Seminář / Tuesday, 03.04.2018 13:00

Individual single-walled carbon nanotubes for gas sensors: synthesis, localization, characterization and monitoring the device fabrication process

Seminář / Tuesday, 03.04.2018 10:00

Nanoscience with molecular nanostructures

Seminář / Tuesday, 03.04.2018 10:00

New trends in multiferroics, skyrmion-host materials and topological matter
