Imaging facility (new web pages)
Confocal microscope (Zeiss 5 Duo) enable us provide 3D fluorescent studies in living cells.
In IEB are three robotic systems for analyzing plant objects.
Mass spectrometer
connected to 2D high resolution liquid chromatograph (2D-LC/MS).
Number of grants/projects: 105
- Integrated research of the plant genome , MŠMT , Jaroslav Doležel
- Study of basic processes influencing degradation of urban water xenobiotics in plants and its application , MŠMT , Tomáš Vaněk
- Biochemical and morphological parameters determining the cryotolerance of embryogenic cultures of conifers. , MŠMT , Martin Vágner
- Genomics and proteomics in plant breeding , MŠMT , Noemi Čeřovská
- Integrovaný výzkum rostlinného genomu , MŠMT , Karel J. Angelis
- Integrovaný výzkum rostlinného genomu , MŠMT , Karel J. Angelis
- Centrum cílených terapeutik , MŠMT , Karel J. Angelis
- Centrum cílených terapeutik , MŠMT , Karel J. Angelis
- Study of basic processes influencing plant-environment interaction and its practical application , MŠMT , Tomáš Vaněk
- The identification and studies of expression of the genes involved in photoperiodic flower induction in Chenopodium , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová