Completed project

Support for the Social Acceptance and Effective Enforcement of Gender Equality in Public Sphere

Project duration: 
2004 - 2009

The subject of this sociological project is support for the social acceptance of the institutional mechanisms designed for the enforcement of the principle of egual opportunities for men and women in the public sphere. The project provides targeted user groups with access to research results, fosters public understanding and social confidence in topics of gender, and develops effective social intervention in gendered social practise. The project output will evaluate the impact of this intervention on taboo issues and on the process of enforcing a scientific line of reasoning in social discourses relating to important issues in the lives of Czech women and men, and will critically assess the real benefit in the transfer of gender-related findings, data and research studies. The research focus of this applied project corresponds to the necessity of strengthening the credibility and importance of science and research for addressing pressing and socially urgent issues in the contemporary world.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 80, displaying 61 - 70)

Maříková, Hana
gender, family
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Other publication
Vohlídalová, Marta

The paper is a review of the book “Work-lifestyle Choices in the 21st Century“ written by Catherine Hakim (Oxford university Press, 2000).

gender, work, family
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Published review
Vohlídalová, Marta

This Article is a review of the book of Ulrich Beck and Elizabeth Beck-Gernsheim „The Normal Chaos of Love“ published in 1995 by Cambridge Polity Press.

human relations, family
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Published review
Formánková, Lenka

Cílem debaty bylo zamyslet se nad příčinami spojenými s nerovným postavením žen v rozvojovém světě a diskutovat o možných východiscích a řešeních.

gender, social inequalities
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Other publication
Uhde, Zuzana, Burawoy, Michael

The paper is a dialog between Zuzana uhde and professor of Califormia University in Berkeley and prezident of International sociological association Michael Burawoy.

social policy
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Other publication
Uhde, Zuzana, Glenn, Evelyn Nakano

Evelyn Nakano Glenn působí jako profesorka genderových a ženských studií a současně etnických studií na Kalifornské univerzitě v Berkeley. Je také ředitelkou a zakládající členkou Center for Race and Gender, výzkumného pracoviště na stejné univerzitě. Pro akademický rok 2009/2010 byla zvolena prezidentkou Americké sociologické asociace.

gender, social inequalities
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Other publication
Uhde, Zuzana

The article is to commemorate the philosophical, literary and feminist heritage of the French social thinker Simone de Beauvoir.

history of sociology, gender
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Other publication
Uhde, Zuzana

Sexual harassment presents one of the key elements implicating gender inequalities on the labour market which is connected with other social and political mechanisms and thus directly affect possibilities to promote equal opportunities of women and men in society. The author focus on critical analysis of the phenomenon of sexual harassment in its broader context of institutionalized cultural value patterns which prevent women to participate as equal on the life of society.

gender, sexuality, social inequalities
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Paper published in conference proceedings
Uhde, Zuzana

Článek se zaměřuje na diskusi mezi vedoucími směry současné feministické teorie. Na pozadí debaty ohledně konceptualizace vztahu mezi přerozdělováním a uznáním, neboli vztahu mezi rovností a diferencí se autorka snažila vyzdvihnout jak shody, tak rozpory jednotlivých stanovisek.

gender, social inequalities
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Paper published in conference proceedings
Uhde, Zuzana

The article is a review of the book Social Critique in the Era of Globalization by Marek Hrubec and the collective of authors. The authors deal not only with the critical analysis of the contemporary global order and the situation of huge number of global poor and exploited but they also suggest possible institutional arrangements to solve social conflicts and profound economic injustice.

gender, globalisation
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Published review


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