Upcoming events

29. 5. 2018
10am-3.45pm, Academic Conference Centre, Husova 4a, Prague 1, Czech Republic
Czech Social Science Data Archive

The Czech Social Science Data Archive invites to free of charge workshop, which explores the potential of research data available in Europe.

30. 5. 2018
Vila Lanna (V Sadech 1, Praha 6)
Foto: Abhisek Sarda | CC BY 2.0

We invite you to the international conference that opens up a space for transdisciplinary discussion of migration, particularly across social anthropology, sociology, political and legal theories and/or philosophy.

30. 5. 2018
od 13 do 14:30 hod. v místnosti 212, budova FSV UK Hollar, Smetanovo nábř. 6, Praha 1.

The Institute of Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University and the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences cordially invite you to a public lecture.