Seminář se koná ve čtvrtek 31.3. 2011 v 10:00 hodin, v Sociologickém ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i., v zasedací místnosti č. 207, 2. patro.
...Seminář se koná ve čtvrtek 31.3. 2011 v 10:00 hodin, v Sociologickém ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i., v zasedací místnosti č. 207, 2. patro.
"Dilemmas of lobbying regulation: challenges and solutions"
This seminar by Agnieszka Cianciara, PhD, College of Europe, will focus on the dilemmas of lobbying reform in the European Union in order to develop lessons and recommendations for lobbying reform in the Czech Republic. Her presentation will focus on:
- Aims of lobbying regulation;
- Dilemmas of lobbying regulation across different institutional contexts;
- Dilemmas specific to international context: the case of EU lobbying arena.
Note that this is the first of four seminars by international experts on lobbying reform that will be organized by the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and by Respekt Institut. The details of the other seminars will be announced shortly. Please contact Michael L. Smith ( for more information.
Agnieszka Cianciara
Dr Agnieszka Cianciara teaches at the European Interdisciplinary Studies Department, College of Europe, Warsaw. She received her PhD in Political Science at the Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. Her main research interests include political and economic elites in
Poland, lobbying and interest representation in Poland and EU, EU institutional reforms, and Polish foreign policy.
Místo přednášky:
v Sociologickém ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i., v zasedací místnosti č. 207, 2. patro, Jilská 1, Praha 1
Datum a čas:
čtvrtek 31.3. 2011 v 10:00 hodin, přednáška bude v angličtině