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A thin film approach to engineering functionality into oxides

Wednesday, 30.06.2010 15:00

Speakers: Darrell G. Schlom (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University )
Place: Na Slovance, přednáškový sál v přízemí
Presented in English
Organisers: Department of Dielectrics
The diverse functional properties available in oxides have been established primarily through measurements on bulk samples. But when it comes to utilizing these properties in microelectronics, thin film synthesis techniques come into play and with them a different set of tricks are available to enhance the properties of oxides. Here I describe the use of reactive molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) to synthesize multifunctional oxides, including ferroelectrics, ferromagnets, and materials that are both at the same time. The structural perfection of the resulting films is shown to surpass the best single crystals available of these materials; indeed multifunctional oxides with structural quality rivaling semiconductors have been achieved. Standard semiconductor tricks involving epitaxial strain and confined thickness can also be applied to oxide thin films and results of fundamental scientific importance as well as revealing the tremendous potential of utilizing multifunctional oxide thin films to create materials with enhanced performance will be shown.