Imaging facility (new web pages)
Confocal microscope (Zeiss 5 Duo) enable us provide 3D fluorescent studies in living cells.
In IEB are three robotic systems for analyzing plant objects.
Mass spectrometer
connected to 2D high resolution liquid chromatograph (2D-LC/MS).
Number of grants/projects: 105
- The profile of carotenoids in selected apple varieties in relation to storage conditions , MŠMT , Zuzana Vondráková
- The role of polyamines in the process of plant autophagy , MŠMT , Lenka Gemperlová
- Contribution of super-resolution microscopy and image analysis to the study of plant in vitro cultures with the emphasis on somatic embryogenesis of conifers , MŠMT , Kateřina Eliášová
- Charakterizace kompatibility vztahů mezi původci fomového černání stonku a odrůdami ozimé řepky jako základ pro zvýšení rentability pěstování této plodiny v ČR , MZE NAZV , Lenka Burketová
- A new insight into the role of phospholipase in leaf senescence , GA ČR , Jan Martinec
- Environmental impact of noble metal nanoparticles , GA ČR , Lenka Burketová
- Phospholipid metabolizing enzymes as new components of salicylic acid signalling pathway , GA ČR , Jan Martinec
- Phospholipid metabolizing enzymes as new components of salicylic acid signalling pathway , GA ČR , Jan Martinec
- Inactivation of cytokinin-type phytohormones via N- and O-glucosylation – phylogeny and significance in evolution of hormonal homeostatic mechanisms , GA ČR , Václav Motyka
- Impact of humanised glycosylation pathway on protein accumulation and traficking in plant seeds , GA ČR , Tomáš Moravec
- Syntéza nových brassinosteroidů a studium jejich interakce s rostlinnými a živočišnými receptory , GA ČR , Miroslav Kvasnica
- Dark matter in plant cell nuclei – characterization of nuclear proteins. , GA ČR , Beáta Petrovská
- New analytical approaches in phytohormone analysis , GA ČR , Ondřej Novák
- Effect of drought and heat stress on polyamine metabolism and contents of phenolics, auxin and abscisic acid in Norway spruce somatic embryos. , MŠMT , Milena Cvikrová
- Effect of UV-B radiation on polyamine metabolism and accumulation of hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids in Norway spruce. , MŠMT , Milena Cvikrová
- Multiscale analysis of signalling phospholipids and their interaction protein partners in the regulation of plant tip growth , GA ČR , Martin Potocký
- Following elusive low molecular weight organochlorine compounds of natural and anthropogenically affected ecosystems , GA ČR , Sándor Forczek
- The role of hybridization and polyploidization in the evolution in Chenopodium album aggregate: From biosystematics to gene expression , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- Fungal effectors manipulating plant defence system , GA ČR , Lenka Burketová
- Impact of different topology of heterologous antigenic determinants in PVX-based plant viral vector on their expression level and immunogenicity , GA ČR , Noemi Čeřovská
- Spolupráce s Bioversity International na globální analýze a uchovávání genetické diverzity banánovníku , Veřejná soutěž ve výzkumu, vývoji a inovacích , Jaroslav Doležel
- The role of auxin binding protein 1-mediated signaling in the control of vesicle trafficking in plant cells , GA ČR , Milada Čovanová
- Evolution and function of complex plant genomes , GA ČR , Jaroslav Doležel
- Funkce rostlinného poutacího komplexu exocyst v exocytóze, buněčném dělení a biogenezi buněčné stěny , GA ČR , Michal Hála
- Physical map of wheat chromosome arm 7DS and its use to clone a Russian wheat aphid resistance gene , GA ČR , Hana Šimková