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A Nonlocal Metric Realization of MOND

Friday, 27.07.2018 14:00

Speakers: Richard Woodard (University of Florida, USA)
Place: Seminar room n. 226, Institute of Physics, Pod vodárenskou věží 1, Prague 8
Presented in English
Organisers: Department of Particle Theory and Phenomenology
MOND is a phenomenological model which modifies the extreme weak field regime of Newtonian gravity so as to explain galactic rotation curves without dark matter. If correct, it must be the non-relativistic, static limit of some relativistic modified gravity theory. I show how the only possible metric-based modification of gravity is nonlocal, and I construct the action using the Tully-Fisher relation and weak lensing. Then I explore the consequences of this model for cosmology. This talk is based on four arXiv papers:1106.4984,1405.0393,1608.07858 and 1804.01669.