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Einselection and Equilibrium

Wednesday, 27.06.2018 14:00

Speakers: Andreas Albrecht (University of California at Davis, USA)
Place: Seminar room n. 117, Institute of Physics, Pod vodárenskou věží 1, Prague 8
Presented in English
Organisers: Department of Particle Theory and Phenomenology
Decoherence and "einselection" have important roles in quantum physics, and are understood to be important in the emergence of classical behavior. Traditional discussions of einselection all assume an arrow of time. The extent to which einselection (and thus the emergence of classicality) is tied to an arrow of time has possibly deep implications for cosmology. In this talk I present some early results on this topic based on calculations in a toy model related to the classic Caldeira Leggett model, which I solve unitarily in all regimes. This talk will include introductory material, and will not assume prior familiarity with decoherence, einselection or cosmology.