Radio Praha in English, 4.5.2018.
Experts from the Institute of...
The Czech Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Ms. Katerina Valachova has visited Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), U.S.A. on November 13, 2015. Fermilab general director Nigel Lockyer welcome the visitors and deputy director Joe Lykken introduced the Fermilab scientific programme and appreciated the contribution of 45 Czech scientists in last 18 years of collaboration. Ms. Valachova then discussed working and financing problems connected with work at Fermilab with five Czech physicists currently at Fermilab.
General director Nigel Lockyer welcomes Ms. Katerina Valachova
The delegation then visited Fermilab NOvA experiment Near Detector 100 m underground. The NOvA Far Detector 800 km away was not visited. The Czech institutions Institute of Physics CAS, Czech Technical University in Prague, Charles University in Prague and the Institute of Computer Science CAS collaborate on the Fermilab’s experiments NOvA and D0. The visitors have been pleased with the visit and the role of Czech scientists, who are e.g. responsible for operation of the NOvA detectors and for data recording in this experiment.
Common photo in the underground hall. From left Louise Sutter (NOvA), Milena Lickova (deputy consul), Jaroslav Zalesak (FZU CAS, Fermilab), Tomas Vrba (FJFI CVUT), Petr Bour (FJFI CVUT), Filip Jediný (FJFI ČVUT), Katerina Valachova (minister), Borek Lizec (consul general in Chicago), Milos Lokajicek (FZU CAS), Mark Messier (cospokesperson of NOvA), Peter Shahanan (cospokesperson of NOvA)