Citizens of Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland evaluate present economic situation in their respective countries similarly. In all three cases the share of positive expressions was about quarter and the portion of critical evaluation amounted to three tenths. Quite different is the evaluation made by Hungarians when two thirds of them judge the present economic situation in Hungary as bad.

Czech citizens identified material living conditions of their households mainly as good and in comparison with other three countries where the similar survey was made Czech evaluation is the best.

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Three fifths of Czech citizens (61 %) consider current inflation to be acceptable, on contrary roughly one fifth of people (21 %) share the opposite opinion. Present evaluation of inflation has been historically the most positive since 1993, when this survey started.

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71 % of Czech citizens evaluate current economic level of the Czech Republic positively, when 3 % indicate it as very good and 68 % appraise it as rather good. On contrary 28 % of citizens judge economic level of the Czech Republic critically, when 26 % of these indicate it as rather bad and 2 % see it as very bad. On a ladder with other nine monitored states, Czech Republic took the third place ahead of all post-socialist countries, when the first and second position is occupied by Germany and Austria.

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72 % of Czech citizens evaluate current economic level of the Czech Republic positively, when 3 % indicate it as very good and 69 % appraise it as rather good. On contrary 27 % of citizens judge economic level of the Czech Republic critically, when 25 % of these indicate it as rather bad and 2 % see it as very bad. On a ladder with other nine monitored states, Czech Republic took the third place ahead of all post-socialist countries, when the first and second position is occupied by Germany and Austria.

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Citizens of Czech Republic are most positive about current economical situation of their country. 28 % of Czechs suppose current economical situation of Czech Republic to be good, 27 % of people consider it to be bad and 44 % of Czech citizens characterize current economical situation as "neither good nor bad". In other countries critical opinions prevail positive opinions, when Poles evaluate current economical situation of their country most positively, Hungarians are less positive and Slovaks are the least positive.

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Almost a half of Czech citizens (49 %) consider current inflation to be acceptable, on contrary roughly a third of people share opposite opinion. Present evaluation of inflation has been historically the most positive since 1993, when this survey started.

21 % of citizens regard taxation on high-income earners as high, 22 % say it is adequate and 44 % think it is low. Taxation on average-income earners is considered to be high by 50 % of respondents, adequate by 39 %, low by 3 % of citizens.

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Generally, critical evaluation of the current economic situation prevailed positive evaluation. . The highest degree of satisfaction was recorded in Czech Republic (12% good, 41% - bad economic situation, 42 % no good or bad), and the highest in Slovakia (70% bad, 2% good). Lower degree of satisfaction is in Hungary, where almost a half or citizens (48%) critically consider current economic situation, only 1 out of 20 citizens stated positive evaluation.

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Two thirds of czech citizens indicated that the current level of unemployment in our country to be too high. 3 out of 10 respondents are worried about posible increase of unemployment in next two years , almost a half of respondents believe that rate of unemployment will remain the same and more than a tenth suppose that rate of unemploment will decrease.In comparism to year 2000 the current results of this survey are most optimistic .

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Past course of economic transformation was a bit critically evaluated : 28 % of respondents consider the transformation to have been unsuccesful, 37 % of respondents chose the answer „half succesful - half unsuccesful, almost a fifth of citizens regard it to have been succesful. Evaluation of course of economic transformation has improved since 1999.University graduetes, students, people with good standart of living, ODS Party followers judge better economic transformation.

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Three quarters of czech citizens think, that their standart of living remained unchaged,after the Czech Republic became a member of European Union. 5% of respondents stated that their standart of living had improved , 15% of repondents stated that their standart of living. had worsened during EU membership of the Czech Republic . Public worries about worsening their standart of living connected with membership of Czech Republic in EU were not almost fulfilled.

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