Within the continual project of monitoring the phenomenon of the beer in Czech society the topic of the consumption was surveyed in October 2007. The press release provides us with overall information about the amount of people who drink beer and about the average level and the frequency of consumption in Czech Republic. The attention is paid also to differences in subgroups of citizens and to the development of these aspects in Czech society since 2004.

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Within the continual project of monitoring the phenomenon of the beer in Czech society the topic of the choice of beer was surveyed in October 2007. The press release provides us with overall information about the preferences and consumption of beer categories like lager or dark beer in Czech Republic; about the criterions of the selection and about the status of non-alcoholic beer. The attention is paid also to economic aspects of the choice and to the development of selected aspects in Czech society since 2004.

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Within the continual project of monitoring the phenomenon of the beer in Czech society the topic of the brand and the brand identification was surveyed in October 2007. The press release provides us with overall information about the amount of people who prefer some beer brand; about the fidelity to the brand and about the willingness to try unknown brand instead of the known one. The attention is paid also to local aspects of brand preferences and to the development of selected aspects in Czech society since 2004.

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Within the continual project of monitoring the phenomenon of the beer in Czech society the topic of the image of beer was surveyed in October 2007. The press release provides us with overall information about general relationship of Czechs to the beer; about its status as the beverage appropriate or inappropriate for diverse situations and about occasions in which the beer is consumed most often.

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CVVM SOÚ AV ČR in October 2007 probed, what is the attitude of Czech citizens towards public holidays. Most of the Czechs (more than three fourths) believe that it is important to remind of their signification. This press release also contains summary of public holidays which are celebrated by Czechs and which not.


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CVVM in September survey investigated how Czech citizens evaluate the quality of education on all school levels. Part of press information is also comparison of actual results with findings from previous surveys. Then Czechs evaluated, which from the following characteristics (knowledge, independence, confidence, orientation in society, discipline, moral values) are best evolved by particular types of schools.

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In September survey approximately a two thirds of respondents expressed their opinion that everybody has a chance to get such education according to his or her abilities.. Then respondents had to answer a question, what circumstances and various facts influence educational background. Respondents often suppose human abilities and diligence to be important, when trying to get higher education. In other part of survey respondents had to talk about their own educational background.

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Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment. People were asked whether they are interested in information concerning environmental situation in Czech Republic, if they have sufficiency or insufficiency of these information and how Czech Republic cares about protection of the environment in general. The survey also investigated how Czech citizens evaluate gravity of some problems related to global environment.

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In May 2007 Centre for Public Opinion Research investigated how Czechs and their households are active in environment protection and what possible precautions concerning environment protection they would agree with. The results are filled in with comments concerning sorting of answers according to sociodemographic indicators.

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As a part of March survey realized by CVVM there were some questions focused on Czech citizens´ evaluation of media. The most-watched TV channel and radio stations were included in the survey as well as the national dailies and some selected internet news websites. Respondents were asked to evaluate whether these media inform objectively and how objective they are. Because currently the most widespread media is TV so we asked people how often they watch Media coverage and what TV News are their favourite and then there was a question whether this TV News inform them about important events.

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