Summer opening hours of the Library
12.06.2018In the summer, the Library of the Institute shall be closed to the public in the following terms: from July 2nd to July 4th, 2018, and from July 16th to August 12th, 2018.
new issue of Archeologické rozhledy: 2018/2018

New issue of Archeologické rozhledy journal has been published: 2018/01.
Cover: PDF
new publication

Faculty of Textile Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, published proceedings from the international conference NESAT XIII (North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles) that they jointly organized in May 2017.
More information: HERE
Contents: PDF
new publication

Chvojka, Ondřej – Jiráň, Luboš – Metlička, Milan a kolektiv: Nové české depoty doby bronzové. Volume 1, 2 (2 volumes), Prague 2017