SlDREB2, a tomato dehydration-responsive element-binding 2 transcription factor, mediates salt stress tolerance in tomato and Arabidopsis
Hichri I., Muhovski Y., Clippe A., Žižková E., Dobrev P.I., Motyka V., Lutts S.PLANT, CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 39 : 62-79 , 2016
Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana, Solanum lycopersicum, DREB2, salinity tolerance
Sites of actin filament initiation and reorganization in cold-treated tobacco cells
Pokorná, J., Schwarzerová, K., Zelenková, S., Petrášek, J., Janotová, I., Čapková, V., Opatrný, Z.PLANT, CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 27 : 641-653 , 2004
The role of cytokinins in responses to water deficit in tobacco plants over-expressing trans-zeatin O-glucosyltransferase gene under 35S or SAG12 promoters
Havlová M., Dobrev PI., Motyka V., Štorchová H., Libus J., Dobrá J., Malbeck J., Gaudinova A., Vaňková R.PLANT, CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 31 : 341-353 , 2008
Keywords: abscisic acid; auxin; cytokinin; drought; tobacco